Dear Tun Dr. Mahathir

Nehemiah Kong It seems many portals and websites are overflowing with Mahadepression – a new word I coined meaning a depressing ambiance caused by the incessant rants of the former PM of…

Where are we headed as a nation?

Malaysia is a hotbed of controversies these days. Over at the Barisan Nasional (BN) camp, controversies include the Goods and Services Tax (GST), dubious accounting and business practices (1MDB)…

DAP terdesak?

Arvin Tajari Seperti yang diramalkan permuafakatan politik dalam Pakatan Rakyat (PR) tidak akan bertahan lama. Bertitik tolak dengan perbezaan ideologi dan pegang perjuangan menyebabkan PR menjadi…

An open letter to Lim Kit Siang

Dave Anthony, Aliran Dear saudara Kit Siang, I salute you as the elder statesman of Malaysia who has raised a consistent voice over the years. Today we are in the cusp of a political crisis…

Why protest?

Izack Chin In the last eight years or so, there has been an unprecedented increase in the incidence of political protests. The current trend in gathering at Dataran Merdeka for the minutest…

An Islamic State over my Dead Body

Karamjit Ghill  “An Islamic State over my dead body” – famous words from the late Karpal Singh, the “Tiger of Jelutong” that stirred the whole nation once upon a time. These were not just words…

Know Thy Constitution, dear MPs!

Jerome Lee Not a Free for All, dear MPs, or Know the Law, MPs! Anyone who believes that an MP enjoys automatic immunity in Parliament is blatantly ignorant. I was just as ignorant until I…

What Does Ariff Sabri REALLY want?

Sebastian Yeoh A man of contradictions, Raub MP Ariff Sabri cannot make up his mind about what he wants the AG to do in the investigation of 1MDB accounts. 1.       His doubts and hopes…

Tolak calon-calon PasMa

PAS Cawangan Subang Jaya yang telah mengadakan mesyuarat jawatankuasanya yang pertama pada 6 Mac 2015 bersamaan 15 Jamadil Awal 1436 iaitu setelah Mesyuarat Agung Cawangannya yang ke 24 telah…