What, Me Charlie?

Charlie Hebdo would be better off taking a cue from the American MAD magazine.  Yussof Condred All the world's sane people have condemned the murders at Charlie Hebdo. And rightly so. But…

To the girls at the B1A4 concert

This was not some empty room, a quiet park where you were doing something hidden. You were in front of your friends, maybe even your parents, and you did not, as some try to make out, shame your…

The Wise King – a kindergarten fable

King Owl was in a dilemma --- he was against the motion but reluctant to object, fearing it might upset the hawk. Dim-witted he might be, the hawk had been useful to King Owl. Yussof Condred…

Isu surat Zahid Hamidi kepada FBI

Merujuk kepada isu surat dari Menteri Dalam Negeri, Dato' Seri Dr. Zahid Hamidi kepada FBI yang membabit Paul Phua, seorang individu yang sedang ditahan tanpa ikat jamin di Amerika Syarikat kerana…

Promoting Local Artists

Local artists have to go through such hassles to get a chance in Malaysian radio whereas Indians are free to get a chance in Malaysia.  Saravanan, Sec. Gabungan Artist-artist Indian Malaysia.…

Mr PM, do you support idiotic behaviour?

It is unbelievable that opposition politicians who had come around to distribute aid to flood victims at a relief centre in Kluang, Johor, were shooed away by the Kluang local authorities. P…

Reply From Cheong Knooi Cheng

Dear Sir, Thank you for responding to my letter Questions for YTM Raja Petra Kamarudin. I can see that there are some questions from you that need clarification and I'll be very happy if you…

The Scar — a true tale of old Malaya

Yussof Condred My late father had a 2-inch diameter scar, near the elbow of his left upper arm, that tells a quaint story. He came to the Malayan Peninsular in 1936, braving a treacherous…

Bah Datang Kerana Tangan Manusia

Kali ini, sejarah berulang lagi. Ini bukti bahawa kita tidak langsung mengambil pelajaran daripada peristiwa sejarah.  Khairul Naim Rafidi “Selama penderitaan datang dari manusia, dia bukan…

What Does Christmas Mean To Me?

We, the good people (liberals and fundamentalists) share a common agenda.  Yussof Condred  I am a Buddhist. When I studied in the Methodist Primary School, Nibong Tebal, Seberang Prai …

Questions for YTM Raja Petra Kamarudin

2partysystem Dear Sir, I plead with you to provide answers to these questions and publish on your blog, if you are willing, if you are unwilling please at least provide answers to question…

Palanivel is the target

Loganathan Batumalai The Malaysian Indian Congress (MIC) is in a real mess right now. Hard to know who is wanting what, and why they are wanting it, and what can be decided in the weeks to…

A plan brewing in MIC

So what is happening with MIC is a sign of unseen hands doing their best to change the status quo, with help everywhere in the establishment. Santha Manickam The Malaysian Indian Congress…

Ali and Alvin: You hit me, I hit you

Shaun First and foremost allow me to stress that the paragraphs below are not  intended to address the legality of the Government in cancelling our national famed duo Ali and Alvin’s passport nor…