Ini semua salah Mahathir

Ketika era kekejaman pemerintahannya tiada kedengaran kes-kes yang mengheret rakyat ke jalanan atas apa jua justifikasi baik penukaran kerajaan. Warganegara Malaysia Saya dilahirkan sekitar tahun…

Selangor Crisis: Anwar, Send in the Clowns

It’s the ‘other half’ of Chinese votes Hadi is after.  Raggie Jessy This past few weeks, we witnessed many an expert proffering forecasts with strokes of ingenuity that put a myriad of spins…

Which should come first: Rakyat or Party

She can't even control her husband, what more a state? Adrian I'm one of those that don't really like to comment much on your site partly coz I have seen my fair share of people who talk a lot…

The chickens are coming home to roost

But suddenly the driver started to act like he owns the car. It so happens he proposed that the state buys his own old car.  Umar Mukhtar An electoral pact formed to tactically defeat an…

A Tale of Two Bosom Buddies

How can a Minister from an opposing political party be ever ready to lick the boots of a leader of an opposing party or even to be in photographs that show how he is so close to not only Lim Guan…

Anwar, RM 3 Bilion dan 16 September

Anwar hanya memerlukan sekitar 30 orang ahli parlimen daripada Barisan Nasional untuk lompat dan menyertainya. Edwin Michael Sudah pelbagai analisis telah dibuat melibatkan krisis politik di…

Khalid Ibrahim sacked as PKR member

Lembaga Disiplin KEADILAN telah meneliti dan mengadakan siasatan berkenaan kes disiplin dan tatatertib TAN SRI KHALID IBRAHIM (Cabang Kuala Selangor). Kes ini telahpun dibentangkan dalam mesyuarat…

Semangat Malaysia

Bagi saya, walapun ringkas, inilah Semangat Malaysia. Yang penting juga, inilah semangat panduan perjuangan Pakatan Rakyat. Howard Lee Saya ditanya oleh seorang sahabat dari UK ketika…

Situasi air Selangor

Persatuan Pengguna Subang dan Shah Alam (CASSA) amat bimbang dengan situasi bekalan air di Negeri Selangor, Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur dan Putrajaya yang semakin kritikal sejak kebelakangan…

Please be transparent, PKR!

It was a historic thrashing by the people against BN’s campaign to recapture Selangor. Now, all of sudden, he is a villain? Mohd Nasri Abdul Rahim In the last general election, the Pakatan…

What Emergency Services?

When you arrive at an emergency scene one hour from the time of call, it's no longer to rescue; it's to collect.  Joe Najib Only a week ago I posted an update criticising our hospitals and…

Enough of racist policies

Stop all the racist policies and implement ANTI RACISM ACT urgently Saravanan, Hindu Human Rights Organization (Hindhor) Belgium I would like to remind Mr.PM and IGP that Malaysia got…

PAS: Bahtera Yang Ada Nakhodanya

Saya membaca kenyaaan Tuan Guru Presiden dan sepenuhnya saya menyokong kenyataan beliau. Haji Nik Abdul Aziz bin Nik Mat Saya pada mulanya tidak berhasrat untuk mengulas isu Menteri Besar…

Open letter to IGP

I have attached the picture of your investigation officer who insulted the Hindus and Hindu temples in his facebook posting. Saravanan Inspector General of Police Ibu Pejabat Polis Diraja…

A dialogue with my inner self

I have been praying for the Palestinians for 30 years zamyahaya I watched the news with horror as the Israelis pounded Gaza with bombs and by now about 300 killed and again killing women and…

MH-17 crash issue

Hello everybody. There are a lot of lies about the flight MH17 killing. 1) If You compare the traces of MH17 for the last three days, you will find it was shifted for 100km to the north by…