The non-Malays and non-Muslims should stop grumbling. They are the ones proudly boasting that they have 97% Chinese support. They are the ones who kicked PAS out of Pakatan Rakyat and into the arms…
Muslims have been disunited and have fighting each other since the day Prophet Muhammad died. And the PAS, Umno, Bersatu, PKR, Amanah, Pejuang, etc., Muslims will never unite for 1,000 years. Islam…
But to condemn the prime minister for not attending a Christmas party is absurd and the type of thing only DAP will do. Would Muslims condemn the Indian prime minister for not attending the Hari…
Almost ten years ago, The Star reported this news below. In 2012, Selangor Menteri Besar Khalid Ibrahim had announced how the state plans to solve the flood problem, which is supposed to solve the…
The Canal City Project was a flood mitigation project initiated in 2007 to build an 18-kilometer canal which would connect the Langat and Kelang Rivers. The project was cancelled by the Pakatan…
Today, that has in a way been achieved. Politicians are no longer stronger than the Raja-Raja Melayu like during the time of Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad -- and amongst themselves politicians are divided…
But of course, that is if you believe in what religion teaches us, because I would have thought it would be easier if God have just commanded Noah to migrate to Brazil where there are plenty of…
Malaysian politics is in a mess. And that means no one is strong enough to be a threat to the Raja-Raja Melayu. So the messier it gets the better. As Anwar Ibrahim says, “Lawan tetap lawan!” Yes,…
Whether you agree with what Mahathir says or not, he is ‘sharp’ and his words cut right through you. Anwar pusing sini pusing sana and says what he thinks you like to hear -- and he never means what…
It is puzzling that DAP supports Anwar for Prime Minister when they are opposed to everything that Anwar stands for. Or is it that Anwar no longer upholds those values he used to stand for and…
For example, if His Highness the Sultan decides Muslim women must wear a tudung in public and no beer/liquor can be sold in Selangor, the State Constitution of Selangor provides for that. And DAP…
Hadi knows that Umno President Zahid Hamidi is collaborating with Anwar, who in turn is DAP’s stooge. Hence, abandoning Bersatu and going to bed exclusively with Umno will strengthen the Zahid-Anwar…
In short, Najib’s fate and future depends on who is the prime minister post-GE15, and which party sits in Putrajaya. With the right ‘formula’, even an underaged rape victim can be arrested instead…
Clearly the whole truth has not been revealed and much has been hidden from Najib’s defence team and from the court. Today, Malaysia Today is revealing what the MACC investigation revealed, and…
And the fact that Mat Sabu and the Amanah people allow these DAP people to do this and get away with it demonstrates what the perjuangan of these ex-PAS people really is.
By Tommy Thomas’s own confession, they did not yet know the whole truth at the time they arrested and charged Najib. Only after Najib was convicted did they know the whole truth. And the truth…
The worst is yet to come. Over the next two years Malaysians are going to suffer more and more. My critics and sceptics say if I want to talk then come back to Malaysia. More than 1.5 Malaysians…
As Wang Ehsan, Petronas did not need to hand the money to the Terengganu State Government. Instead, the money was given to Umno Terengganu, and Idris Jusoh was put in charge of managing that money.…
And Mahathir knew this would happen. The only way to weaken Anwar is to release him from jail. In jail, Anwar is a formidable opponent. As a free man, Anwar is a joke and a comedy of errors. All the…
So, even if they need to spare Zeti, Shamsiah and Abd Rahman, they will do so just so that Najib does not get to come back as the Umno President and Prime Minister. This is not about justice and…
On 19th November 2021, MACC revealed a list of more than 300 Chinese individuals and entities, mainly from Penang, who received about RM800 million of 1MDB’s money, but no action had been taken…
But Zeti’s crime is no secret anymore. The MACC made sure of this in their 19th November press statement. And the involvement of the current Bank Negara Governor, Nor Shamsiah Mohd Yunus, in the…
In 2015, the Monetary Authority of Singapore informed Bank Negara Malaysia about suspicious transactions involving two companies, Cutting Edge Industries Ltd and Iron Rhapsody Ltd, which were owned…
Hence, if Zeti and Shamsiah revealed that Jho Low’s father had received RM48.456 million from 1MDB, the RM65 million that Zeti’s husband received from Jho Low would also come to light. So, they had…
And herein lies the problem. All those better than Anwar have left him years ago. All those still around are worse than Anwar. So how can PKR and Pakatan Harapan get rid of a one-eyed man and…
In fact, the MACC has confirmed that Zeti’s family is involved in stealing not less than RM65 million of 1MDB’s money and that Shamsiah had helped cover up this crime. So this is no longer just a…
Umno-Barisan Nasional fell in 2018 because of the Malay voters, not just because of the Chinese voters. The Chinese voters had already been voting against Umno-Barisan Nasional for more than ten…
Anwar sebenarnya terlibat dengan keruntuhan kerajaan negeri Melaka - ini bukanlah rahsia kerana dia telah mengadakan banyak mesyuarat bersama empat “katak” sebelum mereka melompat dan menjatuhkan…
Anwar was involved in the collapse of the Melaka state government -- and that is no secret because he had held many meetings with the four ‘frogs’ before they jumped and brought down the government.…
And race and religion are going to decide the outcome of the Melaka state election this Saturday. Malays are going to vote Malay while the non-Malays are going to vote anti-Malay. And some…