PAS is DAP’s punching bag

But then we cannot have everything just in the interests of the Chinese. The Malays have already sacrificed so much for the Chinese. Once in a while we also need to consider the interests of the…

Lim Kit Siang sah sakit otak

Lim Kit Siang said Malaysia has transformed into a nation of integrity. Kit Siang must be suffering from some sort of swine fever that has affected his brain. How can he come to that conclusion when…

Happy birthday, Tun

Whatever it may, Tun, keep going. Perjuangan mu belum selesai. Finish what you started and to hell with all those trying to push you out. There is no such thing as Interim Prime Minister or Prime…

Mahathir is a hands-on PM

Mahathir says the allegation against Azmin Ali is a lie and is a political conspiracy. Considering Mahathir’s track record, and based on my experience in dealing with Mahathir, he would not come to…