The New Economic Policy or NEP, which was supposed to be the cure for the Malay “disease” that Mahathir and Anwar are talking about, officially ended in 1991. Mahathir was the Prime Minister then…
This interview is a work of fiction and never happened and any similarities with a person or persons already dead, still alive, or about to die, is purely coincidental.
Mesej pada hari kemerdekaan yang disampaikan oleh Kit Siang tersangatlah mengelirukan. Si Cina tua ni dah nyanyuk ke apa? Mesej ini ditujukan kepada siapa sebenarnya? Orang Melayu ke? Adakah dia…
I cannot understand why for 29 years from 1990 until today we are still talking but doing nothing about it. Cukuplah talking for 29 years. Stop bitching. Just do what you think is right and what you…
Yes, in the not too distant future we will know the answer. And my hope is that at the end of the trial I can tell my critics and detractors that I was right and they were wrong. Most importantly, I…
Malaysians have to accept this reality and learn how to live and co-exist in a divided Malaysia. Most importantly, Malaysians have to stop pretending that we are all Malaysians. We are not all…
Suddenly, 15 months later, the Chinese and Indians are up in arms and are saying that democracy, civil liberties, freedom of speech, freedom of choice and freedom of expression should no longer be…
The Malaysian government should arrest those Chinese and Indians who are exploiting the Dr Zakir non-issue to trigger racial and religious unrest to distract Malaysians from the fact that after 15…
Malaysians are living in denial. If you want tolerance, love and peace then become an atheist. You cannot become a religionist or theist (especially of the Abrahamic faiths) and preach tolerance,…
Yes, so maybe Zakir Naik should preach in Tamil and Mandarin to avoid any misunderstanding in future. Apparently, according to the Special Branch, writing or preaching in English results in…
Pakatan Harapan is classifying Dr Zakir Naik as a threat to national security while Ananda Krishnan is only a thief. Hence Dr Zakir has to be extradited back to India while there is no reason to…
Today, India and Pakistan are on the brink of yet another of many wars and there are already cross-border shootings that have resulted in a number of deaths. Hence, the Hindu Indian-Muslim Indian…
What do Defence Minister Mat Sabu, Attorney-General Tommy Thomas and billionaire Koon Yew Yin all have in common? The answer is Chin Peng and the Communist Party of Malaya.
The fact that Superman Hew, Kit Siang, Guan Eng, etc., talk about Chinese issues while Ahmed Deedat and Zakir Naik talk about Islamic issues makes no difference. The issues may be different but the…
Anwar is as Malay-centric as most of the 20 million other Malays in Malaysia. The only thing is Anwar can speak to both the Arabs and Jews and say the right thing to both so that both the Arabs and…
Yang lebih penting ialah Husni perlu bagitahu makhamah yang isu 1MDB adalah salah satu sebab Umno dan Barisan Nasional kalah pilihan raya pada Mei 2018 dan ini bermakna sebahagian besar kekalahan…
Yes, Husni must go back to court and tell the judge he has more to tell. What he has told the court so far is just about what happened in 2016. He must tell the judge he now wants to relate to the…
Kuala Lumpur can be better than Singapore. Just stop giving money to Perlis, Kedah, Penang, Perak, Selangor, Negeri Sembilan, Melaka, Johor, Pahang, Terengganu, Kelantan, Sabah and Sarawak. Just…
Pakatan Harapan minister Khalid Samad cakap banyak today. Analysing what he said, can you actually decipher what he is trying to say? This is typical Pakatan Harapan doublespeak -- talk a lot but…
The narcissistic personality is oversensitive to failure and often complains of multiple somatic symptoms. Prone to extreme mood swings between self-admiration and insecurity, these people tend to…
Anyway, today Najib Tun Razak’s SRC trial revealed that Bank Negara Malaysia, and many in AmBank as well, knew about the RM2.6 billion donation from the Saudis. In fact, not only was Bank Negara…
But then we cannot have everything just in the interests of the Chinese. The Malays have already sacrificed so much for the Chinese. Once in a while we also need to consider the interests of the…
Hence DAP’s and Kit Siang’s secularism is the real enemy of Islam, not corruption or kleptocracy. With Hudud we can get rid of corruption or kleptocracy in less than a year. Just chop off the hands…
Anwar tahu kalau dia hanya bergantung kepada sokongan orang Cina sahaja, dan tanpa sokongan orang Melayu, Anwar tidak akan kemana. Anwar akan sentiasa menjadi bakal perdana menteri sampai bila-bila.…
So, keep hate speaking. The truth hurts but the truth must be told. DAP’s mission is to split the Malays. The DAP Chinese want to rule Malaysia by proxy and many Malays are prepared to be DAP’s…
Dialog diantara atuk dengan cucunya semasa mereka balik kampung untuk menghadiri majlis perkahwinan baru-baru ni.
Raja Petra Kamarudin
Apa benda yang engkau orang kecoh…
Lim Kit Siang said Malaysia has transformed into a nation of integrity. Kit Siang must be suffering from some sort of swine fever that has affected his brain. How can he come to that conclusion when…
Inilah yang akan berlaku apabila anda menjadi baruah ahli politik Anda akan terpaksa membuat apa sahaja sekiranya tuan anda membunyikan locengnya (seperti cerita Tiga Abdul ketika Abdul Wahub…
This is what happens when you sell your soul, whether to the devil or to the political masters. You need to drop your pants and bend over when asked to. And Hamid has been told to drop his pants and…
Today, Nazri seems to have forgotten what we debated slightly over ten years ago. Has Nazri changed? Is he no longer a Malay nationalist? If he is no longer a Malay nationalist then what he is…