So, do we still need Chinese schools?

Mahathir does, however, still want to do business with Japan. So, it would be a good idea to set up Japanese schools instead. Since the reason for Chinese schools is to do business with China, and…

Dear Jomo, Zeti, Hassan and Robert

This is the trouble with many Chinese tycoons. They make a lot of money through cronyism and then tell the world they are rich because they are clever and hardworking. Even Pablo Escobar made a lot…

Has Robert Kuok lost his bite?

Has Kuok lost his bite? Or has Mahathir upset the Chinese too much that even Kuok is not able to fix the damage? If Kuok is not able to deliver -- meaning give Mahathir free access to China -- then…

No, Umno was NOT wiped out

And that is going to be the future of Malaysian politics -- a race-based and religion-based unity government with the Chinese and Indians as the opposition. That will be the only way to go for Malay…

Islam is a political movement

Moderate or liberal Christianity and a secular state are what Napoleon introduced 200 years ago in the 1800s. And the reason he introduced moderate or liberal Christianity and a secular state was so…

Mahathir’s water-war with Singapore

Or did it not cross Mahathir’s mind that when you increase your selling price, the other side would increase their selling price as well. And since you are making millions every month at the current…

Guan Eng, the tokong of idiots

So there you have it. Lim Guan Eng made a mistake when he reported that the previous Barisan Nasional government stole RM17.911 billion of the GST refund money. (Actually he said the amount was RM18…

Guan Eng caught lying again

And this is why the Chinese are the most vocal in opposing the GST. And this is why 98% of the Chinese voted Pakatan Harapan -- because they are angry about the GST. And this is why Pakatan Harapan…