Yes, I do speak Bahasa Melayu

Some readers have asked why I write in English and not in Bahasa Melayu. Well, the reason is because I am targeting the English-speaking readers. Anyway, I do speak good Bahasa Melayu, as the videos…

Malaysians voted for money in GE14

The lesson here is Malaysia’s GE14 was won and lost because of money. The people believe that the economic hardship they are facing is because of Najib Tun Razak’s bad management of the economy.…

Zahid’s MACC visit today

More than 30 years ago Mahathir did not think it is crazy to expect the Arabs to donate billions of Ringgit and not expect anything in return other than just the blessings of Allah. Why does today…

Dear Shana Morris

PAS won nine Parliament seats and 37 State seats in Kelantan. Umno won five and eight respectively while PKR, PPBM and PAN won zero out of the 59 seats they contested. In Terengganu, PAS won six…

After Auta Singh, now Tiunia Singh

They are talking about the RM1 billion valuation so that Malaysians will focus on that subject and will not ask a very important and pertinent question, which is: were the valuables bought with…

Ku Li and the Altantuya murder

I, Nik Azmi Nik Salleh, also known as Bul, met Raja Petra Bin Raja Kamarudin and his wife, Marina Lee, together with a fourth person from the Military Intelligence, who I cannot name, on two…

Dear Tun, stop talking, start doing

And please take responsibility for 1MDB. It came about because of you. It was because you ‘stole’ Terengganu’s 5% oil royalty that Pak Lah formed 1MDB. Even if it is true that 1MDB is a monster, you…

And Najib’s trial begins

The following story is a work of fiction and any similarities to persons dead, alive, or about to die, is purely coincidental  NO HOLDS BARRED  Raja Petra Kamarudin Bangun! Duduk,…

When the Chinese call you a racist

In fact, Chinese educationists say Malaysia’s education system began to deteriorate after Mahathir became Prime Minister and Anwar became the Education Minister. This is not what I am saying. This…

Muslims always self-destruct

Yes, while the Malays are split into five, 98% of the Chinese voted Pakatan Harapan. And all they needed was for 30% of the Malays to vote Pakatan Harapan for them to get into power. So, 70% of the…

The ‘silent’ Arab money

Prince Alwaleed bin Talal was the first Arab backer of The Giving Pledge, led by Bill Gates and Warren Buffett. The Saudi prince said last year he hoped other wealthy Arabs and Muslims would sign up…

The un-Islamisation of Malaysia

If you believe in a Secular State, democracy, human rights, civil liberties, etc., then no one should be forced to believe what he or she does not want to believe. And this includes Muslims who no…