And the Pakatan revenge begins

No, I am not playing the victim, as some of you say. I am merely saying that in defeat we pay the price. And I am paying that price, which I openly accept. If it makes you happy to curse me then…

Happy birthday Umno

When Najib Tun Razak took over in 2009, the year after the first warning in 2008, he should have done what his late father did in 1973. But he did not and the people gave him a second chance in…

My RM100,000 challenge to can name the lawyer to act as our trustee for this bet and once it places its RM100,000 bet with that lawyer I will also do the same and the day after Polling Day the lawyer can pay that…

The stereotyping of PAS leaders

People like Hussein have a very low opinion of PAS leaders and assume that most are country bumpkins. They also assume that only fishermen, farmers and kampung people support PAS. They cannot…

Buddha and the suppression of desire

Buddhism, which in essence is ‘Protestantism-Hinduism’ (for want of a better term), is probably the most philosophical of all the main religions. Nevertheless, Buddhism has deviated much from what…

An Interview with Datuk Seri

If Pakatan Harapan wins the next election we are going to abolish all taxes and give the rakyat everything free. The rakyat will not need to pay one sen. We will make sure that the price of petrol…

Fook you, Malaysiakini, this is war

Remember when Lim Guan Eng announced that Penang is a not a Taliban state and that is why they allow beer festivals? Is that not an insult to Islam? All Muslims who do not fook prostitutes, drink…