MCA Terengganu Tok Kok

The Terengganu Sharia Amendment Bill was passed by the PAS government in the Terengganu State Assembly in 2001. For 13 years since 2004 Barisan Nasional has been ruling Terengganu and MCA is part of…

Mahathir is totally losing his mind

Now, can you see that the HRW 2000 and 2001 reports on Mahathir and Malaysia are similar to what Mahathir said about Najib and Malaysia in his blog posting today? Mahathir is like a whore who is…

Kit Siang getting senile by the day

But that is politics. In Malaysia politics is a zero-sum game. It is a winner takes all and loser loses all contest. So do not dabble in this type of no-holds-barred -- or the rule is there are no…

Kit Siang has finally lost his tongue

For more than 20 years Kit Siang has been shouting, screaming, moaning, bitching, and grumbling, demanding that a RCI be set up to bring those criminals who were behind Bank Negara’s forex losses to…

Ever considered migrating to China?

So do take a trip to China and check the place out. Then discuss the possibility of citizenship. China is now the richest country in the world while, according to the DAP-led Pakatan Harapan,…

Koon, easier to talk than to do

Telling us things are bad does no good. We hear Lim Kit Siang, Lim Guan Eng, Tony Pua, Rafizi Ramli, etc., saying the same thing every day. What we need, which so far no one is telling us, is to…

The enigma named Mahathir

Mahathir and Anwar are taking Malaysians for a ride. They point to the so-called cancer that Malaysia is suffering from and say that this is the reason Malaysia needs to be saved. What they do not…

Why Pakatan Harapan is failing

Pakatan Harapan’s main ‘selling point’ is that the Barisan Nasional government is corrupt while Pakatan Harapan, if it comes to power, is going to be the cleanest government Malaysia has ever seen.…

Irwan Serigar and the Wanda deal

Irwan Serigar leaked confidential information regarding the Bandar Malaysia-TRX deal to anti-government portal The Malaysian Insight to burnish his diabolical plot. Irwan also lied to the Prime…