1MDB: between myth and reality

No doubt many of you believe this is due to Chinese schools that teach Chinese to become biadap and kurang ajar. But we cannot assume that 100% of Chinese who go to Chinese schools are uncivilised…

When you believe your own lies

Have you heard the saying: a fish that does not know how to keep its mouth shut gets hooked? And that is the trouble with politicians. They do not know how to keep their mouths shut and they talk…

The opposition’s divisive policy

The Malaysian opposition is suffering from a serious case of absence of credibility. Even worse is the fact that they are lying to us and are treating us like fools. And yet they demand support…

The stupid Merdeka argument

Malaya started as 11 states in 1957 and then grew, as Malaysia, to 14 states in 1963 -- and ‘shrunk’ to 13 states in 1965. America started as 13 states in 1776 and then grew to 50 states in 1959.…

G25: a group of morons

The G25 has to get its priorities right. If there was no religion there would not be any problems regarding religion and you would not need to fight to amend or correct the Federal Constitution.…

It is not anti-Najib but pro-Mahathir

Anti is negative. Pro is positive. And Pribumi needs all the help it can get to improve its feng shui. So it needs to add some positive vibes and change from being anti-Najib to pro-Mahathir. So, if…

The day Mahathir stole RM2.6 billion

Mahathir is sore that Najib transferred the RM2.6-billion donation into a bank account that carried his name. Mahathir transferred RM2.6 billion into a bank account that was in someone else’s name…

The paradox named Mahathir

Mahathir is the guru of parody in Malaysia. With a straight face and without blinking an eye, he can tell you the opposite of what he said at another point in time. And the most ironical thing…

When you believe you believe

And this is why we live in perpetual ignorance. Once we believe we believe and we will refuse to listen to any contradictions to these beliefs. We only want to hear the truth, which means what we…

Why you want those you hate to die

And it is even worse for those Christians in DAP who are driven by hate for Umno, hate for the Malays, hate for Islam, hate for the Prime Minister, and so on. Their hate is so strong that it is…

When Muhyiddin was once a crook

Khalid Ibrahim is God’s gift to Malaysia, said Tony Pua. Tony also swore that all the allegations against Khalid are false. Then they got rid of the Selangor MB. Muhyiddin Yassin is the worst…