Christians are in blissful ignorance

It is ridiculous for the Christians to think that they can kill my argument by quoting verses from the Bible. These Christians must be morons. Before they can even begin to convince me that I am…

Ban the Qur’an, not Zakir Naik

The only difference is Muslim preachers such as Ahmed Deedat and Zakir Naik honestly reveal what the Quran says while Christians do not. Christians hide the ‘bad parts’ of the Bible and just talk…

DAP creates Muslim terrorists

In short, whether rightly or wrongly, DAP is seen to have declared war on Islam. And while Islam forbids Muslims from aggression, Islam does allow Muslims to defend themselves when under attack.…

Islam is NOT a religion of peace

All those who create obstacles for Muslims and block Muslims from practicing their religious beliefs -- such as implementing the Syariah (like what DAP, PKR, PAN, MCA, MIC, Gerakan, etc., are…

Malaysia is NOT a Secular State

And to make sure that the non-Malays do not try to dominate the military (say by Act of Parliament if they happen to gain a two-thirds majority in Parliament), the British created the Malay…

MCA confirms it opposes the Qur’an

Yes, MCA, just like its brother, DAP, is against Islam. It opposes the Qur’an so it is against Islam. It is as simple as that and there are no two ways about it. And the blood of those who wage…