Syed Akbar Ali talks Tamil

Syed Akbar Ali is insinuating that Najib is involved in at least three murders. So the wrong seven people are facing trial for Kevin Morais’s murder while Najib is involved in Hussain Ahmad Najadi’s…

Why Chinese are ignorant

Sun Tzu’s very basic teaching is to know your enemy. For 20 years I have been telling the Chinese they need to know the Malay-Muslim mind if they want to engage the Malays-Muslims. But the Chinese…

Did Najib arrest Maria Chin?

There are some who say that Najib arrested Bersih’s Maria Chin. That shows how ignorant these people are regarding police procedure. Maybe during Mahathir’s time the police were privately owned by…

Anwar’s multiple betrayals

Many see Anwar as Gandhi and Mandela two-in-one. What they do not know is that Anwar is partly responsible for the mess that the country is facing plus the even bigger mess that the opposition is…

PKR and DAP now support Hudud

Muslims say they accept the Shariah but reject Hudud, which is part of the Shariah. They say Hudud is not in the Qur’an. But then neither is praying five times a day and the manner in which we have…

Anwar Ibrahim tok kok

Anwar refused to testify at his own trial to protest his innocence, and his wife also did not testify, as she had originally planned, to say that Anwar was somewhere else and was not at the scene of…

A Malaysian sunrise

Sometimes simple minds see things simply. And to change simple minds by introducing complex ideas can upset the balance of nature. Take a look at the conversation between a kampung Malay and his…

Mahathir’s false flag operation

Mahathir is trying to give the impression that none of his trustees, proxies, nominees and cronies are abandoning him. If not then many more would leave. So they launched a false flag operation…

PKR must explain Anwar’s innocence

If PKR wants people to come out on 12th October 2016 to rally for Anwar’s release from jail, they will need to explain to the people in what way Anwar is a victim of an unjust trial. Are they…

1MDB: between myth and reality

No doubt many of you believe this is due to Chinese schools that teach Chinese to become biadap and kurang ajar. But we cannot assume that 100% of Chinese who go to Chinese schools are uncivilised…

When you believe your own lies

Have you heard the saying: a fish that does not know how to keep its mouth shut gets hooked? And that is the trouble with politicians. They do not know how to keep their mouths shut and they talk…

The opposition’s divisive policy

The Malaysian opposition is suffering from a serious case of absence of credibility. Even worse is the fact that they are lying to us and are treating us like fools. And yet they demand support…

The stupid Merdeka argument

Malaya started as 11 states in 1957 and then grew, as Malaysia, to 14 states in 1963 -- and ‘shrunk’ to 13 states in 1965. America started as 13 states in 1776 and then grew to 50 states in 1959.…

G25: a group of morons

The G25 has to get its priorities right. If there was no religion there would not be any problems regarding religion and you would not need to fight to amend or correct the Federal Constitution.…

It is not anti-Najib but pro-Mahathir

Anti is negative. Pro is positive. And Pribumi needs all the help it can get to improve its feng shui. So it needs to add some positive vibes and change from being anti-Najib to pro-Mahathir. So, if…