Is DAP suffering from swine fever?

PAS is a difficult partner, said Taiping MP Nga Kor Ming. Nga said the arrogance and refusal of PAS to enter into negotiations with Pakatan Harapan revealed that the Islamist party was only…

Save Malaysia from what?

If all those Muslims, Christians, Hindus, Buddhists, etc., in the so-called Save Malaysia Movement are really sincere, then they would first fight against the biggest violator of civil liberties,…

Too much drama from the opposition

Basically they have learned from their ‘Drama Queen’, Anwar Ibrahim. Everything they do is one big drama. They buy a ticket to Sabah and Sarawak and when they are denied entry they blow the issue…

Screw you, Umno

But there is still one thing that Najib needs to do before he closes the book on this issue. And that one thing is he needs to make a list of all those who ‘played neutral’ and ‘did not take…