How did PAS mess up on Hudud?

The real problem is not Hudud. Hudud is just part of the Sharia. So the real problem is the Sharia. You can avoid having to talk about Hudud if you just abolish the Sharia and be done with it. No…

What the fook is TRUE Islam?

GHB says that PAS is not promoting true Islam. I suppose that means GHB is. Well, then maybe GHB can tell us what TRUE Islam is and in what way does this differ from the Islam that PAS is…

Yes, let us change the government

So, yes, Malaysia needs change. But it must be more than just a change of prime minister or a change of coalition. In the meantime, until someone can convince me that they can offer change for the…

Support what Pakatan Rakyat?

Hello! Idiots! What Pakatan Rakyat? Did not DAP announce that Pakatan Rakyat is already dead? Did they not say that Pakatan Rakyat no longer exists? So what Pakatan Rakyat are you all talking…

How I had to become Chinese

So, yes, I was not born Chinese. In fact, I was not born Malay either. As far as my mind was concerned I was Mat Salleh with a Malay father. But I made sure I was more Chinese than Malay because…

Pakatan Rakyat is a fooking liar

They ousted Khalid using lies. They tried to oust Hadi also using lies. Why should I not believe that the excuses they are using in the attempt to oust Najib are also lies? NO HOLDS BARRED…

DAP is a threat to racial harmony

No, my loyalty is to Abdul Hadi Awang and PAS. And if you regard Hadi and PAS as your enemy, which the DAP Chinese do, then I also regard you as my enemy. And in case you do not realise it, this…

Je suis Nazir

And is this what Nazir is suggesting? If so then je suis Nazir. Let us explain to those who believe in God that there is no evidence that God exists and the many religions that we fight and kill…

Why multiculturalism does not work

Malays want to be Malays, Chinese want to be Chinese, Indians want to be Indians, Sabahans want to be Sabahans, Sarawakians want to be Sarawakians, and so on. No one really wants to be Malaysian,…

The time bomb I spoke about years ago

So, once again, I am telling you, you decide what you want. However, from the way things are going, it appears like you want a fight. And that is precisely what you are getting. So let’s be very…

PAS progressives must condemn JAWI

So let us start now. Forcing religion upon others and preventing them from eating is what the Taliban, Boko Haram, ISIL, ISIS, IS, etc., would do. It is not something the PAS progressives would…