Slaves, sex and heaven and hell

For example, if you have had sex with your slave and then you hand your slave to your son then you must inform your son so that he does not also have sex with that slave. A son cannot have sex…

Has God given up on Malaysia?

Of course, I could be wrong. It could only be 250,000 Malaysians who died on Malaysian roads since Merdeka and not 300,000-350,000 as I have estimated. Nevertheless, whatever the real figure may…

Malaysiakini is a fooking liar

So damn you, Malaysiakini! And damn those opposition people from PKR who are behind Malaysiakini. To these people the truth does not matter. And these are the people you want as the next…

Scream racism as a weapon of attack

But there is a limit to tolerance. One day you will exceed this limit and can no longer tolerate. And that is when you explode. So this is the problem in Malaysia. We have lived for so many…

The Haj tragedy begging to happen

Actually it has nothing to do with Islam. It is that there is something wrong with those people. And if you have been to Mekah ten times like I have, then you will know what I mean. The people…

Who owns Malaysia?

I mean, how can we decide who should own Malaysia, or Malaya, when Malaysia and Malaya did not exist, say in 1066 when William because the king of ‘modern’ England? Malaya was not one country.…

The pride and dignity of your race

That was the secret of the English success. But in Malaysia we have so many different religions. So we are still going to be divided even 2,000 years to come. So, if we want to achieve what…

Ku Li has forgotten his Semangat 46

For the sake of the Malays Dr Mahathir must be opposed, Ku Li said. And to do that Ku Li set up his new party, Semangat 46, which will continue to fight for the Malays and restore the spirit of…

The truth of what Ku Li said

This is just like blaming the rape victim for getting raped rather than blaming the rapist. So what game is Ku Li trying to play here? Has he forgotten what he said 30 years ago? NO HOLDS…

When we need to remove an evil leader

Even Lim Kit Siang now supports people like Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, the current de facto opposition leader. Dr Mahathir was once the most hated man in Malaysia who DAP wanted arrested and sent to…

How did PAS mess up on Hudud?

The real problem is not Hudud. Hudud is just part of the Sharia. So the real problem is the Sharia. You can avoid having to talk about Hudud if you just abolish the Sharia and be done with it. No…

What the fook is TRUE Islam?

GHB says that PAS is not promoting true Islam. I suppose that means GHB is. Well, then maybe GHB can tell us what TRUE Islam is and in what way does this differ from the Islam that PAS is…

Yes, let us change the government

So, yes, Malaysia needs change. But it must be more than just a change of prime minister or a change of coalition. In the meantime, until someone can convince me that they can offer change for the…