RPK and his BMW

I suppose it was very difficult for this BMW dealer to accept the fact that a Malay can fork out RM85,000 cash to buy a 728i. I was just a motorcycle dealer so surely I could not have that much…

Towards a progressive Malaysia

Some tolerance and understanding! This is only about what Muslims want and non-Muslims have no rights. Muslims cannot eat during Ramadan so non-Muslims should not eat as well. And if non-Muslims…

Can a Muslim be liberal in Malaysia?

So they are not really PAS liberals. They are PAS people who want to win elections even if they have to pretend to be liberals. And I can assure you if you invite them to have a beer with you they…

So, was Jebat or Tuah the hero?

So you see, the Hang Tuah versus Hang Jebat story is not really as simple as it sounds. That story is what shapes the Malay psyche today. Some Malays align themselves to Hang Tuah and some to Hang…

Wan Azizah falls back on Hudud

This is getting very interesting. Now that Wan Azizah has dragged Hudud and the Qur’an into this we shall certainly be monitoring its developments with bated breath. Now the debate as to why…

PUKI: Parti Untuk Kaum Islam

Ah yes, of course, progressives believe in DAP. Un-progressives do not believe in DAP. NO HOLDS BARRED Raja Petra Kamarudin Today, the news kecuh regarding the PAS ‘progressives’ buka…

MCS: the Malay Crutch Syndrome

So that means even if the Chinese had not come to Malaya the country would have still prospered. Malaya prospered because the country was rich and not because the Chinese came to Malaya to make…

What the fook, Scott Ng!

Scott, stop being a fooking mother-fooker by writing nonsense. Use you fooking head to think. Your article sounds like something the Umno chaps in Utusan Malaysia would write. NO HOLDS BARRED…

1MDB: Najib’s Mission Impossible

In fact, you may have a better chance trying to convince people that Christianity does not exist than trying to convince people that there is nothing wrong with 1MDB. NO HOLDS BARRED Raja…

Najib…listen, listen, listen

You need to decide which 125 seats you want to keep and go all out to keep them. Let your enemies and the opposition say what they want. Let them scream, rant, rave and foam at the mouth. You just…

Well, is God punishing Malaysia?

Then what happened to the Pharaoh and Egypt would not happen to Malaysia and we can, as the Chinese would say, buang swei, and end all the bad luck that Malaysia is facing. NO HOLDS BARRED…

I am a terrorist because of you

And if you whack Islam of course I can whack Christianity and call it a silly religion. That is what you get for terrorising me. Fook your ‘turn the other cheek’ dogma. I prefer ‘an eye for an…

Get a load of this, Teresa Kok

So what are you now going to say about this government department in Malaga in Catholic Spain, Teresa Kok, that they are trying to turn the office into a Cathedral? NO HOLDS BARRED Raja…

Arul, sue or shut the fook up

So, Arul, sue, or else people will think you really are a liar and are speaking Tamil like you are being accused of doing and if they happen to see you standing beside a snake they might whack you…

The silence is deafening

The ball is now at Dr Mahathir’s feet. Many are waiting to hear his latest response to this new development. Is this new development going to satisfy him that 1MDB is not in the deep shit he says…

One mountain, two tigers

Dr Mahathir has to be very careful with the friends he chooses. Remember once the British also made friends with Chin Peng and gang and see what happened after that. As soon as the Japanese…

When is a bailout not a bailout?

Hmm…how do you do nothing and still not lose money? Maybe 1MDB should look for someone the likes of David Copperfield who can perform magic or someone like Jesus Christ who can perform miracles…

Zam says Muhyiddin is sampah

Now you know why Zam is no longer the Umno Information Chief and Malaysia’s Information Minister. And this is the same man who triggered a diplomatic crisis and almost started a war with Indonesia…