Melancholy days

Fame and fortune mean nothing when you are about to leave this world. The only important thing is to be with your loved ones. So in a few days my loved ones are going to be with me for two weeks.…

Najib plays Russian roulette

Let us see whether Najib wins this game of Russian roulette, a great risk he is taking with not just one but three bullets in the chamber. Guan Eng has asked Najib to act like a gladiator in an…

Mahathir laid the foundation for 1MDB

And that is the history of 1MDB that started as ‘Wang Ehsan’ in 2000 under Dr Mahathir and then transformed into TIA in 2008 under Pak Lah and then transformed into 1MDB in January 2009, three…

Ask; don’t state

But don’t try ‘if I were to ask you nicely whether you would sleep with me would you say yes?’ because even though that is a question it could still get you into deep shit. I mean she might reply…

Mass hysteria syndrome of the Malays

Is 1MDB making money at the expense of Tabung Haji? I mean is Tabung Haji going to lose money so that 1MDB can make money? Actually, Tabung Haji is also going to make money, maybe even lots of it,…

Shahbudin Husin: living in denial

People like Shahbudin should stop trying to con Malaysians and pretend as if the problem is Najib and once we get rid of Najib everything is going to be perfect. The problem is not Najib. The…

Why we must support Hudud and Najib

So I urge the Pakatan Rakyat supporters to not forget the principles of our perjuangan, which is ABU. We need to support Hudud and Najib so that we can be on the opposite side of Umno. Since Umno…

Najib should just shut the fook up

So even if you can show me documents to prove that Najib did not pay a single sen for his daughter’s wedding reception and that the entire cost was paid by the groom’s family I will tell you to go…

The leaders are always right

I suppose Robert Phang would have fit in wonderfully to old Singapore. This was Singapore and Chinese culture of 200 years ago. You never raised your face or looked your leader in the eye. You do…