Islam is politics

And that was why many Muslim and Christian scholars were put to death over the last 2,000 years. Those who were militant and preached a militant brand of Islam and Christianity were killed. And…

About Malaysia’s Sedition Act

As I said, many of you hate history. But unless we learn about history we would not be able to deliberate such issues. Maybe we still do need a Sedition Act to maintain peace and stability in…

Why Christians oppose Hudud

The Christian opposition to Hudud is not about civil liberties or democracy or to uphold the principles of a Secular State. It is about a denial of the fact that Judeo-Christians have abandoned…

Human rights redefined

We need to redefine what we mean by human rights. My human right is being violated not only if I get whacked for participating in a protest demonstration. My human right is being even more…

The irrational Muslim mind

The trouble is you are looking at Hudud based on life on earth. Muslims look at Hudud based on the Afterlife in heaven. So you are not on the same wavelength here. And when you are not on the same…

PAS, where is your dignity?

It looks like Malaysia is about to see a new political grouping emerge -- those who are pro-Islam on one side, those who are anti-Islam on the other. There will no longer be a Barisan Nasional and…

Has Pakatan bought Ku Li?

And one of my many criticisms against Pakatan was its policy of agreeing to disagree and of not resolving the matter of Hudud, which, I said, would one day come back to haunt Pakatan and may even…

The selfish and hypocritical Malay

Malays, by nature, are very friendly, humble, hospitable, accommodating, considerate and make wonderful hosts. They can actually be very nice people. But that is only when they are wearing their…

My response to Harold Kong

Anyway, Pakatan Rakyat is now controlling Selangor with a two-thirds majority, in fact, for a second term now. So maybe you can channel your comment to Pakatan Rakyat and get them to abrogate this…

Response from Koon Yew Yin

I challenge any Muslim to declare that he or she does not believe that the Sharia is compulsory upon Muslims and that Hudud is not part of the Sharia. Any Muslim who dares do that would be kufur…

Why you are my enemy and I hate you

The Malaysian culture is either you are with me or you are against me. And if you are against me then I need to finish you off. I can never tolerate any difference of beliefs. Even if you are a…

Is The Star spinning?

What if I were to say that a very senior DAP leader who wishes to remain anonymous said that if Pakatan Rakyat takes over the federal government with a two-thirds majority they are going to make…

We all have a price

Everyone has a price. It could be money and wealth, it could be the safety and security of you and your family, or it could be a good career and better future, anything. But whatever you do and…

The sodomy-rape law is an ass

So there you have it. Poking in the mouth and butt is a crime. Consent is not an issue. The gender of the person you poked does not matter. And even if that person is your wife you can still go to…

So let us debate the NEP

Look at it on the bright side. Those who oppose the government and support the opposition are those who received an education with government help. Those who support the government are the older…

The Pakatoon children

Unfortunately, however, we are dealing with a bunch of very immature and childish Pakatoons who would rather fight than compromise. Hence we shall have to continue to fight to please this bunch of…

Some Malays want the NEP to end

I spoke to many of these Malays and asked them whether they could have gone to university or come to the UK if their parents had to pay for it and almost all admitted that it would not have been…

In quest of God

So what game is God playing if He, She or It allows more than one religion to exist and then claims that only one religion is the true religion and then hides from us the secret of which is that…

Pak Lah paid me to slander Rosmah

And trust me, I am not the only Reformasi activist from 1998 who has become disgusted with the DAP Red Bean Army Chinese cyber-troopers, and by extension PKR and DAP. But that does not mean we…