Hence, even during the time of the Abbasids, Hudud was not part of the Sharia. The Sharia Court (kadi) only handled matters concerning religious, family, property, and commercial law (like here in…
And one of my many criticisms against Pakatan was its policy of agreeing to disagree and of not resolving the matter of Hudud, which, I said, would one day come back to haunt Pakatan and may even…
Malays, by nature, are very friendly, humble, hospitable, accommodating, considerate and make wonderful hosts. They can actually be very nice people. But that is only when they are wearing their…
Whatever it may be, suffice to say that most of us will not have enough money to survive unless we continue working till the day we drop. But then how many of us have that option to continue…
Anyway, Pakatan Rakyat is now controlling Selangor with a two-thirds majority, in fact, for a second term now. So maybe you can channel your comment to Pakatan Rakyat and get them to abrogate this…
I challenge any Muslim to declare that he or she does not believe that the Sharia is compulsory upon Muslims and that Hudud is not part of the Sharia. Any Muslim who dares do that would be kufur…
The Malaysian culture is either you are with me or you are against me. And if you are against me then I need to finish you off. I can never tolerate any difference of beliefs. Even if you are a…
What if I were to say that a very senior DAP leader who wishes to remain anonymous said that if Pakatan Rakyat takes over the federal government with a two-thirds majority they are going to make…
The Malays, however, look up to foreigners. They treat foreigners as tuans (lords). That is why it is very easy to colonise the Malays and the Malays have been colonised by foreign powers since…
Almost half the world or over three billion people live on less than RM10 a day. At least 80% of humanity lives on less than RM50 a day. More than 80% of the world's population lives in countries…
Anyway, you have to choose which side you want to regard you as a hero. If I renounce Islam and become a Christian and explain that I do so because I believe in Jesus and I do not believe in Islam…
Everyone has a price. It could be money and wealth, it could be the safety and security of you and your family, or it could be a good career and better future, anything. But whatever you do and…
Like I said, we should not expect the Malays and Chinese to love one another. But if we can accept the fact that we have our differences and tolerate these differences and learn to live with these…
So there you have it. Poking in the mouth and butt is a crime. Consent is not an issue. The gender of the person you poked does not matter. And even if that person is your wife you can still go to…
Look at it on the bright side. Those who oppose the government and support the opposition are those who received an education with government help. Those who support the government are the older…
Unfortunately, however, we are dealing with a bunch of very immature and childish Pakatoons who would rather fight than compromise. Hence we shall have to continue to fight to please this bunch of…
I spoke to many of these Malays and asked them whether they could have gone to university or come to the UK if their parents had to pay for it and almost all admitted that it would not have been…
So what game is God playing if He, She or It allows more than one religion to exist and then claims that only one religion is the true religion and then hides from us the secret of which is that…
And trust me, I am not the only Reformasi activist from 1998 who has become disgusted with the DAP Red Bean Army Chinese cyber-troopers, and by extension PKR and DAP. But that does not mean we…
And yes, I am talking about you, you who post comments in Malaysia Today because you do not like what I say but do not have the brains to debate and counter what I say and instead choose to post…
I think both Shafee and Rafizi had better just shut the fook up. Rafizi is wrong about swearing an oath not being part of Islam. And if Anwar Ibrahim does what Shafee says (he swears an oath) then…
Shaker was one of the first detainees sent to the Guantánamo Bay detention centre. But after 13 years he’s never been charged, tried or convicted of any crime. US authorities have cleared him for…
Instead of looking at things as good and bad we may need to look at the good in the bad and the bad that may come with what we thought was going to be good. That is the law of karma. What happens…
‘Be Way’ also said Malays are lazy because they eat in Indian Muslim (Mamak) shops instead of opening their own restaurants. If you were to tour Kuala Lumpur you will see many Chinese eating in…
So Malaysia’s problem is not racial. It is political. If the politicians would just stand back and allow the different races to hate each other like back in the 1960s Malaysia would be a much more…
Just because you won the election does not make you a clever politician, as Ismail Sabri may have just discovered. A clever politician is one who knows what to say, when to say it, and who to say…
So the west can keep its opinions to itself. They condemn Malaysia’s Internal Security Act and then sends its army to invade other countries to kidnap people and detain them without trial and…
But how to share the same doctrine when many of you still believe in Buddha or the pantheon of Hindu Gods or that Jesus is the Son of God or that Islam makes it mandatory that you impose your…
I go to sleep at night telling myself that this may be my last day on earth and that I may never wake up the next morning. When the pilot announces for all of us to get back to our seats and to…
So this is about oil and the U.S. Dollar and not about Islam. If America really were concerned about good governance, Saddam would not be the only Muslim leader that the United States ousts and…