Hence the Bosnian-Serbian conflict was as much a religious war as it was a territorial conflict. It was an old fight between the Orthodox Christians and the ‘deviant’ Bogomil Christians who had…
And that was how the Nation of Israel was born, through terrorism. And from the Nation of Israel emerged the nations of Jesus Christ and Islam. And it has been terrorism for thousands of years…
Once upon a time George Washington was a terrorist. He, too, killed a lot of people. But he became a patriot when the Americans won the war against the English and then they named a city after…
Even the church has changed. Although the Bible forbids homosexuality and talks about how God punishes homosexuals with death, today even homosexual priests are allowed and are no longer put to…
Sunday, 11th January 2015, is a milestone in human history. Before this we lived in boundaries and we tried our best to not cross these boundaries. And Muslims in particular would get upset if…
So this means there are boundaries and limits to free speech. And the government and/or society define these boundaries of free speech. And you are not allowed to cross this boundary or limit or…
“Selangor impossible. In fact, Selangor is pulling back many datukships. Quite a few already pulled back. Even for Negeri it’s now impossible. In the past it was only RM250,000 for a Negeri…
And that is why it is impossible to argue with some Muslims when it comes to matters of faith and belief. In fact, it is the same with all theists and religionists. They believe, and that is that.…
Yes, Malaysia suffers floods. And the floods get worse every year. But is God punishing us for not implementing Hudud by flooding our land or is it because of over-logging and deforestation that…
You also say that the Malays are economically weak because they place too much attention on spiritual development instead of economic development. So, are you saying that to become rich you must…
To me, this is what Christmas is all about. It is about those brave souls, Muslims from Turkey, who stood up to the Germans and insisted that any European with a Turkish passport, even Jews, was a…
Umno knows it needs the Malays to support the party. Umno knows the Malays are split three ways. Umno knows the Chinese are no longer split. So Umno needs to talk about how to unite the Malays…
Malaysian politics is no longer about love for the values that you hold dear. It is about hate for the other person. Some support Umno or Barisan Nasional because of hate for the other side. Some…
There are some who argue that by charging Kassim Ahmad in court that is a violation of his human rights and civil liberties. What have human rights and civil liberties got to do with this? In…
In short, to be successful, the ‘prominent 25 Malays’ and their support group, KamiJuga25, must be seen as a third force and not an anti-government or pro-government movement. Their aim has to be…
Let us see how many of those 25 prominent Malays who are supposed to support moderate Islam and oppose extremism will show support and be present in court.
Raja Petra…
Welcome to Malaysia and I hope you have a good visit. For those who have decided not to visit Malaysia after all, after what I have just told you, and wish to leave on the next available flight,…
I believe the non-Malays should remain silent and just let the Malays engage each other in this matter. We need Muslims to debate Muslims as to what liberal Islam means and not the non-Muslims…
Which part of the ‘teachings’ of liberalism and pluralism are an insult to Christianity and Islam? Can we be specific and give examples of the ‘teachings’ of liberalism and pluralism which are an…
We can criticise what happened in Sabah. But Anwar cannot. Anwar has lost his legitimacy to criticise since he was part of the government that he alleges created this problem. And the US, too, can…
Wouldn’t that be nice? Now why do our 222 Members of Parliament, about 90 of them from Pakatan Rakyat, not discuss this? Rather than scream about the Sedition Act, why don’t they propose a new and…
If you want to end this problem then stop employing cheap illegal workers. Employ Malaysians. But then you would need to double or triple the salaries and that would make Malaysia uncompetitive.…
On the other matter regarding Tony Pua, in the past the opposition screamed that those who criticise the government should not be arrested for sedition, criminal defamation, or whatever. Instead,…
So can you see how potent a fitnah can be? Once the fitnah sticks, nothing you do can erase that fitnah. It will stick to you forever. And that is why Islam regards fitnah as a very serious crime…
So legislation does not work for Muslims. Muslims need education. But when the ulama focus more on legislation and less on education, this is when we will see the most Islamic state in Malaysia…
The problem with democracy and an elected representative system is the people do not vote on these laws. The elected representatives do. And there is no guarantee that the elected representatives…
Nationalism is forbidden in Islam and Muslims will cite the last sermon of the Prophet to support this argument. But Muslims celebrate Merdeka Day and Malaysia Day. In fact, we even declare those…
I take it you now understand what I meant many months ago when I said that democracy is not perfect and is merely the tyranny of the majority. And we are about to see why I said that. But then if…
So all these vices, ‘vice promoting’ events, and places of vices, must be banned. Those who resist are enemies of Islam and hence enemies of the Malays as well. Malaysia is divided into two:…
But first of all we need strict anti-discrimination and race laws. You must be punished if you call someone a pendatang just like you would in some countries if you call someone a Nigger.…