Let the Malays understand what the beef of the non-Malays are. Let the Chinese also understand what the beef of the Malays are. And the same for the Indians and the people from Sabah and Sarawak…
We either agree to live with one another as fellow-Malaysians or agree to just coexist. By coexisting this means we do not need to love each other. We can continue to hate each other. We just do…
Malays are an ethnic group of Austronesian people predominantly inhabiting the Malay Peninsula, eastern Sumatra, southernmost parts of Thailand, south coast Burma, island of Singapore, coastal…
So let us be clear about the definition of pendatang. All those Malays who moved from one island to another but within the Malay Archipelago are not pendatang. It is just like Malays from Penang…
Anyway, let us now talk about the issue of pendatang, which Zam lamented about. Maybe it is time we abolish the use of that word, as should also the word Bumiputera. By labelling one race as…
It is time Malaysia’s education system introduces this concept of studying religions. Even in the study of Islam, Muslims need to look at Islam not as a person of faith would but as a non-Muslim…
It is a cop out to say that religion is perfect and humans are not. There is not one major religious holy text that was ‘handwritten’ by the deity concerned.
I meant to submit this…
Muslims need to re-evaluate the pilgrimage and ask whether they have met the ideals and objectives of the pilgrimage. The pilgrimage is not about a set of rituals but about your soul being…
Malays are not poor. Malays are just less wealthy than the Chinese but far richer than the Malays of 50 or 60 years ago. And if the excuse we go to war in Syria or Iraq is because the Chinese are…
Now they say that that was the plan all along since the very beginning, to oust Khalid and replace him -- first with Anwar, and then with Dr Wan Azizah, and finally with Azmin.
So we need to be clear on what Dr Dzul means by progressive and how far this progressiveness extends. If it is only as far as abandoning the Islamic State and the Islamic Sharia laws of Hudud then…
By the way, many of those successful Malays of the 1920s, 1930s, 1940s, 1950s and 1960s were not very religiously inclined. Many drank, gambled, partied, and whatnot. It was when the Malays were…
And it would help if the Chinese can practice some humility and not keep saying that they are successful because they are smart and work hard whilst Malays are not because they are lazy and…
Hence Saari would now have to make sure he can prove he has not been bought and unless and until he can then Hadi’s allegation against him stands and we will consider him guilty of having sold out…
My second suggestion to the IGP would be to stop arresting Malays who sit down with their Chinese and Indian friends to drink beer. Instead, the police should arrest the religious department…
So the children of farmers and fishermen were doomed to become farmers and fishermen. They had not learned any other skills and due to lack of education there was nothing else they could do until…
The point is many Chinese and Indians talk fondly about the Malays they knew back in the 1950s and 1960s. Then, by the 1970s, things started to change. The Malays started to become more…
Yes, if we open the Pandora’s box and start discussing the issue of moral versus legal, then there are many more issues we need to discuss other than the issue of the Selangor Menteri Besar.
So Syed Hamid can take that book of his and shove it up where the sun does not shine. And we have to be very careful of Malays or Muslims who pass themselves off as descendants of Prophet Muhammad…
The Jewish ulama’ have summarised Judaism to just one thing. Treat others the same way you expect others to treat you. Christianity says the same thing. Do unto others as you would others do unto…
The Christians of that period believed that the monarch is anointed by God so to question the monarch means you are questioning God. Hence this would become a crime of sedition. And the punishment…
So, you ask this Muslim, can I read the Torah and believe in it and follow it? What about Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, Judges, Ruth, 1 Samuel, 2 Samuel, 1 Kings, 2 Kings, 1…
Malays/Muslims say one thing but do the opposite. They quote Islam when it suits them and by-pass Islam when it does not. Islam is something they pull out of a hat to justify their actions that…
Are Malays, therefore, real followers of Prophet Muhammad? I fear the Malays are doing precisely what Prophet Muhammad told them not to do. And some of these people claim to be upholding Islam and…
For Pakatan Rakyat, it is a necessary move in the first step into turning Malaysia into a Republic: to clip the wings of the Monarchy and show them who the boss is.
The first step to reform would be to aim for full liberalisation. And this would mean no longer can religion, meaning Islam, be forced down our throats. Citizens of a liberal society must be…
This is because they will believe what they believe and nothing you can say will sway them or make them change their view even if they cannot prove what they believe, and if you contradict them…
While on the subject of Malays, I have noticed many comments by people (somehow mainly by non-Malays) who say that Indonesians are not Malays or the Bugis are not Malays and so on. Some even say…
So, Raja Lumu did not conquer or illegally occupy Selangor. The Sultan of Perak gave Selangor independence and Raja Lumu was installed and crowned the Sultan according to proper adat istiadat.…
I think we should get rid of the royal bastard dynasty of pirates….the descendent of a Bugis (bloody Indonesian some more) pirate who just like any gangster….
Raja Petra…