Not knowing why we disagree

Now, why did Emperor Constantine who was not even a Christian take so much trouble to interfere in Christianity and decide what form Christianity should take? In fact, it was Constantine who…

Like children fighting

Unfortunately, most of you are still ‘locked’ in the fight for democracy. You still talk about democracy. Four years ago, in 2010, I already left democracy behind me. Four years ago, in 2010, I…

The Ulama and the Sharia

The Ulama tell us that the Sharia is mandatory and to oppose it tantamount to defying God Himself. Is this true? Not all renowned Ulama agree with this notion. But the Ulama have the final say…

The Way

How can Satan be good when he is the Prince of Darkness? That is what most, if not all, of you will say. Well, Satan is good and brought us light because Satan helped God in His grand design. If…

Why the Bible can use Allah

So, my conclusion is, Christians (plus Jews) can use Allah as the name of God (in fact, MUST use Allah as the name of God) and hence there is no reason why the Bible cannot also use Allah as the…

Does Hudud really exist?

Most Muslims believe that Hudud, in particular the law on stoning adulteress women to death, was a law that was introduced by Prophet Muhammad. Actually it was not. This law was introduced by Umar…

You can’t debate Hudud

Disputing Hudud would be just like disputing the Trinity or arguing that it is illogical that Jesus was the Son of God or that Jesus died and came back to life three days later. Since when do we…

When Malays adopt Chinese values

What happened along the way was that the Malays were told they must become wealthy to be successful. They were told they must copy the Chinese and become rich like the Chinese. So the Malays…

You are kafir, so what?

So, if the Qur’an came from God or Allah, as Muslims believe, then it is Allah that is calling non-Muslims kafir. So why get angry with the Muslims when God was the one who calls non-Muslims…

Behind the veil of religion

Have you not heard evangelists and televangelists in the US preach that hurricanes, typhoons, earthquakes, tsunamis, floods, fires, bombings, etc., -- even 911 and AIDS -- are God’s punishment for…

Love at first fight

41 years ago today, on 14th April 1973, Marina and I were married. Marina was 18 and I was 22 and we had been ‘going steady’ for four years since she was 14 and I was 18. NO HOLDS BARRED…

When I asked to join DAP

And from that day I became a pariah in the eyes of the Pakatan Rakyat supporters. The issue they raise is that I had ‘turned away’ from Pakatan Rakyat. I think it is more like Pakatan Rakyat that…

The bone of my contention

Oh, by the way, the Tunku died almost penniless and the government actually sued him for unpaid taxes, which would have made him the first bankrupt Prime Minister in Malaysian history. You see,…

God hates Democrats

Are you all idiots or what? Why would I want to go back to Malaysia when I can remain here in the UK and watch movies about God committing genocide and killing more people in 40 days than the…

Confusion says…

We have a situation here where everyone is confused about the difference between rights and privileges and they want their privileges to be treated as rights while at the same time they refuse to…

Still can’t get it?

We need to stop shooting from the hip and turn everything into a political issue. We must remember that for every action there will be an equal and opposite reaction to what we do. The laws of…

Breaking from the herd

So forgive me you Malaysian Christians, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, etc., plus you Barisan Nasional and Pakatan Rakyat supporters. You are all my enemies because you are all obstacles to change.…

The Candidate

This is a story of fiction for your Sunday reading pleasure. The event as follows never happened and any similarities or resemblance to people already dead, still alive, or about to die, is purely…

When ignorance is your guide

Oh, and don’t scream too much about those who are being denied entry into Sabah and Sarawak. Back in the 1960s and 1970s, Singapore, too, used to do the same thing. Those with long hair were not…

Stop talking in riddles

I am so clear that it can sometimes hurt. If I think that religion is nonsense I will say that religion is nonsense. And if I want you to shove your so-called holy book up your you know where I…

What change?

And this is why I must whack both the government and the opposition because both sides are equally disrespectful about civil liberties. I don’t care who gets to form the government. That is not my…