PAS is being told they must respect the wishes of the majority. I can go along with that. However, what about the wishes of the majority in PAS? Do what they also wish not count? Why are the…
As I said, the Westminster system of government is not 100% perfect but it can be improved if we restore Malaysia’s system of government to what it should be. We must restore the four branches and…
Maybe power struggles are good in a way. That allows you to get distracted from the real issue. And the real issue is Malaysians live a very pathetic life. Malaysians are actually quite poor but…
However, for this to work, DAP, PKR and PAS must give priority to the common interest of Pakatan Rakyat and not be selfish and fight over their share of seats. If PKR and PAS still insist on more…
Hence Khalid was allowed a fair trial and was given the chance to prove his innocence. SELCAT need not prove his guilt. Khalid must prove his innocence, contrary to how the normal justice system…
Talking about the 28th, the Chinese-owned news portals such as Malaysiakini, The Malaysian Insider, Malaysia Chronicle, and many more, have already started the Sultan-bashing orgy. The comments by…
Tidak sopan dan biadap, as the Malays would say. I think the opposition and opposition NGOs and lawyers are getting too big for their shoes. They think that just because they won the state in 2008…
You, however, Cikgu Pah and Ayah Cik, would have sinned against the rakyat if you fail to do the right thing tomorrow. And Allah would not be able to pardon your sins against the rakyat. The…
Okay, say that Khalid immediately resigned the day after the Kajang by-election, would all this dirty linen regarding Khalid be made public? Or would it be if Khalid had resigned then all this…
HRH the Sultan of Perak was vilified for what he did. Now HRH the Sultan of Selangor is being vilified for not doing what the Perak Sultan did.
Raja Petra Kamarudin
So allow me to take a rest today and forgive me for not writing anything, as you can read the many opinion pieces and reports regarding the Selangor MB Crisis that Malaysia Today has carried. It…
Do you really think that propagating your religious or political cause through the message of hate is not going to have any serious repercussions in the end? I will be 64 years old next month and…
Even in modern times we had people like Dr Sun Yat-sen, Leon Trotsky, Vladimir Lenin, Ruhollah Khomeini, Fidel Castro and his brother, Raúl, all heroes of the revolution, who ran away and went…
Actually, this applies to the Christians as well. Once Christians can accept that there is much myth and legend in their beliefs and what they view as the ‘Holy Books’ are nothing but unproven…
So, many in PAS put Islam above everything else. So what? This is what Muslims are supposed to do. Islam comes first. Race comes second. And the country comes third. Demi untuk agama, bangsa dan…
And this is what pissed PAS off big time. They never agreed to the proposal that Khalid Ibrahim be ousted in favour of Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail. PAS has not even discussed the proposal at party…
Okay, so Malays think that MAS is cursed because it serves liquor on its flights. What then is the reason why those people who are prostrating with their heads to the ground in front of the Ka’ba…
As for me, I fantasise about having sex with very aggressive and violent women. Somehow this ‘Amazon Woman’ thing turns me on and has been since I was a teenager. I fantasise about being cornered…
So, what now? Are we going to send Kassim Ahmad to jail for exercising his academic freedom? And is this taskforce of PAS going to fight for the charges against Kassim Ahmad to be dropped? Yeah,…
After the civil war to decide which brand of Christianity was the ‘correct’ version, Christendom went through another war 200 years ago that was fought between theology and secularism. And…
The 10-point resolution, however, is not an Act of Parliament and there was no law passed called ‘The Bible Act 2011’. But there are state laws (such as in Selangor and many other states) that…
And before serving food and drinks the passengers would first have to make a declaration that he or she is not a Muslim. I do not think we need to go so far as to ask them to drop their pants so…
The answer is quite obvious. That is because we are fed up. We are fed up with the Chinese radicals and extremists who have dirty mouths and are fucking arrogant. So we do not care what the Malay…
Can you see how Chinese and Malays think alike? In spite of the numerous comments that Chinese post on the Internet about how smart they are (partly due to Chinese education, Chinese schools, and…
Hence, what is the real issue surrounding the current soup kitchen controversy? Is it that the religious authorities are using our zakat/fitrah money to play the stock market and to invest in real…
So, Affandi, it is not whether you want to read Malaysia Today. It is whether I want you in Malaysia Today. It is about what I want and not what you want. And if you thought this is about you then…
I even once joked that God sent down Islam to the Arabs because they are an extremely stubborn and quarrelsome race and hence would be able to Islamise the whole region. If Islam had been sent…
Some readers have disagreed with my latest article(s). One even commented that he no longer has respect for me. I don’t know why this reader is of the opinion that his respect is so important as…
The Internet was flooded with postings that the only reason this embassy official was brought back to Malaysia and his diplomatic immunity was not withdrawn is because he is Malay. If he were…
So you see, if we use our own yardstick or standards in coming to a conclusion then even the existence of Jesus is questionable while there is no doubt that Muhammad did exist. To the Catholics,…