As the Jesuits say, all you need is seven years and by that seventh year the child would be capable of believing anything, however ridiculous, impossible, illogical or improbable those beliefs may…
Love me or hate me, never mind. At least what you see is what you get. I don’t openly say I feel sorry for the Christians but privately say the Christians can go fuck themselves for all I care,…
Serious damage has been done to race relations in Malaysia. And the problem with this is the damage is so severe and so far gone that reconciliation is almost impossible. So where do we go from…
So, the issue here is, who wrote the Bible? And unless the ‘maker’ can be established then the Bible cannot be accepted as evidence. And if the Bible cannot be accepted as evidence then you cannot…
Yes, faith is a strange thing. It not only allows you to believe in what cannot be proven but it also helps you to hate one another. And we hate because we have faith -- we have faith that we are…
The New Testament is not from Jesus. These are fabrications by those who came long after Jesus had died just like what happened to Islam with the 700,000 or so Hadith that are alleged to have been…
If I were to force my children into sexual prostitution there would be an outrage and I would be crucified. But no one bats an eyelid when I force my children into religious prostitution. Sexual…
The problem is the Melayu Baru want to be republicans but they do not want to abolish the monarchy. They want to be liberals but they will not allow Muslims to leave Islam. They want freedom of…
So, dear comrade Mat Sabu, your input on this please. Should the rulers’ power over Islam be removed so that they can no longer ‘interfere’ in matters of religion and so that we can end the…
Hence any good and true Muslim would not waver in the face of a mere jail sentence. Muslims of days gone by were tortured to death and they never wavered or changed their stance. Should you fear a…
Never mind whether you are Malay or whatever. All Malaysians have this same attitude. So when Malays feel they should enjoy certain privileges while others should not have that same privilege and…
If Article 153 allows for an all-Malay school then can we also have an all-Malay bus at subsidised rates where non-Malays are not allowed to ride in these buses (meaning we now introduce a bussing…
So stay tuned for the emergence of a group of Malay liberals who are going to take on people like you and all those other Malay, Chinese and Indian extremists and Fascists from both Barisan…
So you see, Dato’ Sri, we need to be very careful with what we say because, as the English would say, “Loose lips sink ships.” And if Umno sinks it will be because of that, the loose lips of your…
We cannot on the one hand ask the Malays to break free and on the other hand shackle Malays under religion. We have to decide whether Malays should break free totally or not bother at all. And to…
When Malays do not pray or fast, party all night long, drink, gamble, take bribes, give bribes, abuse their power, cheat in business, chase wealth, flaunt their wealth, do not pay their debts and…
It seems Dyana Sofya Mohd Daud’s mother, Yammy Samad, is now under attack for supporting her daughter who is contesting the Teluk Intan by-election on a DAP ticket. It seems, also, that Yammy is…
The word ‘Hudud’ is now a dirty word. It is associated with the law that allows women to be raped and who will be sentenced for illicit sex if she cannot come forward with four ‘holy’ witnesses…
Christians and Muslims believe they know what the truth is while everyone else is in the dark and has not seen the light. And, because of this belief, Christians and Muslims are damn arrogant,…
Now, why did Emperor Constantine who was not even a Christian take so much trouble to interfere in Christianity and decide what form Christianity should take? In fact, it was Constantine who…
But why must only the Christian version of God’s commandments and laws be defended while the Jewish and Muslim version(s) must be opposed? If we oppose theocracy then we must oppose all forms of…
Unfortunately, most of you are still ‘locked’ in the fight for democracy. You still talk about democracy. Four years ago, in 2010, I already left democracy behind me. Four years ago, in 2010, I…
The Ulama tell us that the Sharia is mandatory and to oppose it tantamount to defying God Himself. Is this true? Not all renowned Ulama agree with this notion. But the Ulama have the final say…
How can Satan be good when he is the Prince of Darkness? That is what most, if not all, of you will say. Well, Satan is good and brought us light because Satan helped God in His grand design. If…
What PAS is doing is exactly what Jesus and the activists of the Movement of Jesus said we must do: set up a Kingdom of God. There is no such thing as separation of church and state in the…
So, my conclusion is, Christians (plus Jews) can use Allah as the name of God (in fact, MUST use Allah as the name of God) and hence there is no reason why the Bible cannot also use Allah as the…
Most Muslims believe that Hudud, in particular the law on stoning adulteress women to death, was a law that was introduced by Prophet Muhammad. Actually it was not. This law was introduced by Umar…
Disputing Hudud would be just like disputing the Trinity or arguing that it is illogical that Jesus was the Son of God or that Jesus died and came back to life three days later. Since when do we…
In short, as much as you may deny it and as much as you may protest my conclusion, if you commit a crime of sodomy, even with your own wife, you will get punished under a Christian law that…
What happened along the way was that the Malays were told they must become wealthy to be successful. They were told they must copy the Chinese and become rich like the Chinese. So the Malays…