An article for lame brains

And this was the man who tried to get me stuffed into jail. And this is whom you call the darling of the opposition. And you lame brains still cannot understand why I whack the opposition? You…

Deception of the devil

If I were Iblis, though, instead of trying to convince humankind that God does not exist, which is harder to do, I would convince humankind that God does, in fact, exist and that God has a…

The education, stupid!

Maybe the Malaysian government should look into this and come out with a master plan on how national schools can emulate Chinese schools so that the standard of national schools can improve. NO…

The real hindrance to progress

And this is the real problem facing the Muslim world, Malaysia included. People think they know better and they tell us what we can and cannot do. They forbid us from doing what they think will…

The Jesus you think you know

There is a misperception that prophets create religions. Jesus did not create Christianity; his followers created Christianity. Jesus was a Jew preaching Judaism. The prophet Mohammad did not…

Now what have you got to say?

Last time never uttered even one squeak. Today talk so much. Now what have you got to say? Blame Umno’s education system that made you stupid? I suppose we can also do that. Then you do not need…

The blasphemous Malay Bible

The long and the short of it is there is only one God, Allah, and God has no children, no parents, and no partners. NO HOLDS BARRED  Raja Petra Kamarudin Today, someone speculated (in a…

When conflicts become religious

As the Bible says, on the sixth day, God created man, and on the seventh day, God rested. And on the day that God rested man, out of boredom and with nothing else to do, created religions. And…

What, me worry?

Hence my stand is very clear. Shoot them all. But first shoot the batu api who are neither Muslim nor Christian. These are the more dangerous people that we need to exterminate like rats and…

Facts and events in history

Anyway, this is not my evidence. This is the evidence of scientists. So maybe you can read on and see at the end of this page whether you still believe in the Gospels or you believe in science.…

How the Malay mind works

Hence, in that sense, Islam, plus Christianity, is not part of the Abrahamic faith at all but is more ‘pagan’ in nature. The only difference is Islam and Christianity are monotheist and not…

Did Adam and Eve really sin?

Hence Adam and Eve had not sinned. Adam and Eve did exactly what God wanted them to do for God’s plan to work. If not then Adam and Eve would have remained in Paradise and none of us will be here…

Yet again, from zero to hero

And that, in a nutshell, is how to get the Chinese to adore you. And because I do not play to the Chinese gallery but always say what I feel, I cannot win the adoration of the Chinese. NO HOLDS…

Dear Jane

Anyway, as usual, I am digressing. What I just wanted to tell you is that the coffee shop talk about me owning a BMW 7 series is correct. But it was not Dr Mahathir who bought me that car because…

How racism works

Don’t always look down on the Malays. Don’t always assume that the Malays are hopeless. Don’t always assume that if the Malays want to drive a car instead of ride a bicycle, and if they want to do…

Islam was a process of evolution

Take note, though, that my views are not exactly what you would call the popular view and I base my assumptions on the recorded history of that period, specifically in that region. And note, also,…

Spin and spin, yet again

And now Malaysiakini seeks Norian Mai’s opinion regarding the right of Malaysians to hold peaceful demonstrations? So what next is Malaysiakini going to do? Seek Chua Soi Lek’s opinion regarding…

The erosion of rights and freedom

Ironic is it not that you lost your rights and freedom the day you decided to organise yourself as a community in the interest of protecting these same rights and freedom? NO HOLDS BARRED…

When is freedom not freedom?

So you see, once we debate the subject of freedom we need to take so many issues into consideration. But if we just debate your notion of freedom then that is not democracy because in such a…

Pushing the envelope

The title of this article is ‘Pushing the envelope’ and this is what I am doing here, pushing the envelope. But it is a debate that we need to have because once you declare war against extremism…

I felt the heat long before The Heat

First learn what freedom of speech actually means before you talk about it. Then learn how to allow others freedom of speech before you demand that the government allows you freedom of speech.…

It’s a long time coming

I strongly believed that Malaysia’s education system should be English-based. I did not support the idea of Chinese or Indian schools, or even Bahasa Malaysia for national schools. I was not just…

You can’t fight City Hall

I fear that DAP is soon going to learn what ‘you can’t fight City Hall’ means. DAP can rant and rave and allege that it is being persecuted and is being subjected to unfair treatment.…

The Kingdom of God is hell on earth

Dream on! First learn how to guard your mouth before we talk about a non-racial Malaysia. Your mouth is your worst enemy that is keeping racism in Malaysia alive. Hell, you cannot even marry…


And, once this happens, all Malaysians will know that Anwar Ibrahim pulled off the biggest con in Malaysian history and that there are no 40,000 Bangladeshi voters or power failures/blackouts during…

We are all terrorists

The IGP says that the Shia movement is a terrorist movement. Actually, all religions are terrorist movements without exception. Religion makes us scared. Religion is the doctrine of fear. We believe…