So, if the Qur’an came from God or Allah, as Muslims believe, then it is Allah that is calling non-Muslims kafir. So why get angry with the Muslims when God was the one who calls non-Muslims…
Have you not heard evangelists and televangelists in the US preach that hurricanes, typhoons, earthquakes, tsunamis, floods, fires, bombings, etc., -- even 911 and AIDS -- are God’s punishment for…
Hence, Hudud is NOT a law for animals. It is a law for Judeo-Christians. But most Judeo-Christians have turned their backs on the Bible and have rejected these laws. That does not mean Jesus has…
And Anwar was not charged under Islamic or Sharia law but under the remnants of a Christian law that the British left us. And what most Malays do not realise is that much of Islamic law is…
41 years ago today, on 14th April 1973, Marina and I were married. Marina was 18 and I was 22 and we had been ‘going steady’ for four years since she was 14 and I was 18.
So let us hate each other if we cannot agree on a common ideology. And let us demonstrate this hate by cursing, disparaging or vilifying each other so that there is no doubt left in our minds that…
And from that day I became a pariah in the eyes of the Pakatan Rakyat supporters. The issue they raise is that I had ‘turned away’ from Pakatan Rakyat. I think it is more like Pakatan Rakyat that…
Oh, by the way, the Tunku died almost penniless and the government actually sued him for unpaid taxes, which would have made him the first bankrupt Prime Minister in Malaysian history. You see,…
Are you all idiots or what? Why would I want to go back to Malaysia when I can remain here in the UK and watch movies about God committing genocide and killing more people in 40 days than the…
We have a situation here where everyone is confused about the difference between rights and privileges and they want their privileges to be treated as rights while at the same time they refuse to…
We need to stop shooting from the hip and turn everything into a political issue. We must remember that for every action there will be an equal and opposite reaction to what we do. The laws of…
So forgive me you Malaysian Christians, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, etc., plus you Barisan Nasional and Pakatan Rakyat supporters. You are all my enemies because you are all obstacles to change.…
Some sects in Islam do not accept Hadith. Some sects do but only a few of the 7,000 or so Hadith that the Sunni Muslims consider authentic. Then again, some sects believe in different Hadith from…
This is a story of fiction for your Sunday reading pleasure. The event as follows never happened and any similarities or resemblance to people already dead, still alive, or about to die, is purely…
The Sarawak Chief Minister has challenged Anwar Ibrahim to take the Sarawak State Government to court. Maybe Anwar should do just that and get the court to rule that the 18/20-Point Agreements are…
Oh, and don’t scream too much about those who are being denied entry into Sabah and Sarawak. Back in the 1960s and 1970s, Singapore, too, used to do the same thing. Those with long hair were not…
Hmm…now that is a most interesting prognosis. Could that be why I faced death 17 times in my life and each time I survived (13 crashes and four knife attacks)? And they say a cat has only nine…
I am so clear that it can sometimes hurt. If I think that religion is nonsense I will say that religion is nonsense. And if I want you to shove your so-called holy book up your you know where I…
And this is why I must whack both the government and the opposition because both sides are equally disrespectful about civil liberties. I don’t care who gets to form the government. That is not my…
This is a family squabble. Two siblings are quarrelling over who is right and who is wrong. Two siblings are fighting over the right to be the true religion. The non-Christians and non-Muslims who…
The believers and followers of the Abrahamic faiths worship and pray to this God that allows slavery. The believers and followers of the Abrahamic faiths worship and pray to this God that allows…
And that is my Sunday sermon for today because I do not wish to talk about the missing flight MH370 that every man and his dog are talking about -- which is just creating the utmost confusion as…
“Moreover, the disqualification of Anwar Ibrahim was on the basis of a charge for an archaic colonial offence under the Penal Code, which is contrary to international human rights standards, and…
Is it not ironical that one tactical blunder by Pompey 2,077 years ago has caused so much problems for the world? Pompey made his move on the troublesome Jews but he went only halfway. He did not…
Women should be reminded that as face-masking is not found in Islam’s transcendent text, it is therefore a non-Koranic and un-Islamic habit, not a fundamental feature of their religion. Islam is…
Whenever someone has a different opinion to yours, he or she is an infidel. And then you scream ABU and say we must remove Umno because Umno does not allow us freedom of opinion and freedom of…
Of course, Article 153 in the Federal Constitution would also need to be removed, as would the NEP, the quota system, preferential treatment for the Malays and Bumiputeras of East Malaysia, and so…
They lie, they cheat, they dominate, they discriminate, they persecute, they are intolerant, they are superstitious, they are self-centred, they are self-righteous, they look down on those not of…
If you can accept people who believe in Jesus the Son of Allah when this goes against Islamic doctrine why can’t you also accept those who reject the Hadith (when Christians too reject the Hadith)…
Happiness. That is what it is all about. And that is why we tolerate governments although governments are a nuisance and normally tend to interfere in our lives and tell us what we can and cannot…