Pushing the envelope

The title of this article is ‘Pushing the envelope’ and this is what I am doing here, pushing the envelope. But it is a debate that we need to have because once you declare war against extremism…

I felt the heat long before The Heat

First learn what freedom of speech actually means before you talk about it. Then learn how to allow others freedom of speech before you demand that the government allows you freedom of speech.…

It’s a long time coming

I strongly believed that Malaysia’s education system should be English-based. I did not support the idea of Chinese or Indian schools, or even Bahasa Malaysia for national schools. I was not just…

You can’t fight City Hall

I fear that DAP is soon going to learn what ‘you can’t fight City Hall’ means. DAP can rant and rave and allege that it is being persecuted and is being subjected to unfair treatment.…

The Kingdom of God is hell on earth

Dream on! First learn how to guard your mouth before we talk about a non-racial Malaysia. Your mouth is your worst enemy that is keeping racism in Malaysia alive. Hell, you cannot even marry…


And, once this happens, all Malaysians will know that Anwar Ibrahim pulled off the biggest con in Malaysian history and that there are no 40,000 Bangladeshi voters or power failures/blackouts during…

We are all terrorists

The IGP says that the Shia movement is a terrorist movement. Actually, all religions are terrorist movements without exception. Religion makes us scared. Religion is the doctrine of fear. We believe…

Why blame Najib?

By equating money being illegally taken out of the country with corruption, the opposition is suggesting that by eliminating corruption this would automatically stop money from leaving Malaysia. This…

Aha, aha…I like it!

When asked during an interview soon after he retired in November 2003 what his greatest regret was, Tun replied that his greatest regret was that in his 22 years as Prime Minister he still could not…

Psalm 23

Nevertheless, how many Jews, Christians or Muslims would live by the ideals, standards and demands of Psalm 23? We would be lucky if we can find even 1% who do. To the rest of the 99%, Psalm 23 is…

I am sorry you are stupid

Kucing kurap is akin to a mangy dog. It means an animal that suffers from chronic skin disease, sleeps on the streets and in back alleys, and eats out of drains and dustbins -- basically an animal…

Have you ever met Satan?

Hence, in short, Satan was a later-day belief of deviationist teachings that early practitioners of the Abrahamic faith rejected as nonsense. And now KTemoc Konsiders may be sent to jail for posting a…

Belief is shaped by doctrine

Hmm…that may be the problem after all. Malaysians are still running the 1955 Version 1.0 operating system (when Blacks or African Americans in the US had to sit at the back of the white bus) and we…

Let’s debate

That is incorrect. Politics is marketing. You market your party or your candidate just like you would your company or your product. Hence you need to position your party or candidate just like you…

Maybe you misunderstood

Some readers did not get what I said and thought that I claimed Dr Asri has debunked the Hadith (or that I used Dr Asri’s statement to debunk the Hadith). Actually, I said no such thing if you can…

Malaysians are an emotional lot

So carry on and be emotional. That is your right. You can be emotional about your religion. You can be emotional about your language. You can be emotional about your culture, customs and traditions.…

Interesting, is it not?

I once related a story (I think it was eight or nine years ago) about one of Anwar Ibrahim’s old classmates in MCKK, a retired army colonel, who went to do his Friday prayers at the KLCC mosque. The…

As I was saying…

It is believed that much of the Hadith were created by ‘spin-doctors’ during the time of the Muslim divide and civil wars. Hence many are suspect. And the Hadith is very important because while the…

Am I a maverick?

In that sense, the religionists and politicians are all the same. They expect you to agree with them and if you do not then you are the enemy. If you are a Catholic you must agree with Rome. If you…

It’s a man’s world

It is time we gave real political power to women. The ‘official religion’ of Malaysia is Islam. In Islam, women are not permitted to lead (in Saudi Arabia, they are not even permitted to drive or to…

The snake oil merchant

So there you have it. That is the solution. First of all employ only Chinese police personnel -- especially opposition supporters who are squeaky clean. Don’t employ any Malays -- especially…

Melayu mudah lupa

Raja Petra KamarudinHow many of you remember KAL007. No, I am not talking about one of those James Bond movies if that is what you are thinking. Still don’t remember? I thought many of you would…