1MDB: the movie

Malaysia Today interviewed a movie-maker who plans to produce a movie on 1MDB. In the interview, the Datuk revealed the movie plot, which shed more light on what the 1MDB scandal is really all…

CM Chow should not insult Penangites

Ravinder Singh. Free Malaysia Today Penang Chief Minister Chow Kon Yeow’s comments aimed at non-governmental organisations critical of the state government’s policies on the environment are…


RAJA SARA PETRA I believe in a multi-racial Malaysia and support multi-racial political parties such as Gerakan; I believe in freedom of thought, speech and belief but cultural and religious…

PTPTN problems and some solutions

Hafidz Baharom, Sun Daily BY NOW, many students and parties have voiced their disillusionment over the broken promise announced by National Higher Education Fund (PTPTN) chairman Wan Saiful Wan…

Why are Umno and Malaysia so corrupt?

If I were asked to give an educated guess, I would put a figure of RM500 billion to RM1 trillion. But your guess is as good as mine. Someone told me Umno’s real wealth is between RM2-3 trillion but…

Is  ‘Malaysia Baru’ real?

Commercial considerations used to be the main criteria for the relocation of Hindu places of worship in the Barisan Nasional era. One of the consequence of that policy was the routing of BN…

That equality conversation

119,039 folks to be exact, as of yesterday signed the petition to stay the country’s “separate but equal” philosophy. They demand formal inequality over equality as a perverse necessity to retain…

Of starting and stoking fires

I FIND it incredulous, to the point of being angry even, that there are still people who choose to be in an almost perpetual state of denial. As a taxpayer, I do expect that money spent must…

Let’s do the math on gays in Malaysia

According to Budget 2019, Jakim’s total budget in 2018 was RM871,615,400, with a planned increase to RM882,801,000 in 2019. What percentage of this money has Jakim actually been spending on…

Is it really over for Zaid Ibrahim?

That is Malaysian politics for you. View everything ahistorically, and then selectively when it suits your agenda. I think the real issue here was not that Zaid attacked Mahahtir (photo) or Daim,…

A reshuffle already on the cards?

Terence Fernandez, The Star IS the first Pakatan Harapan Cabinet already heading for a reshuffle, albeit a minor one? Talk in the corridors of power in Putrajaya and the headquarters of the…

Why Malays love to kill Malays

And that, too, is how Muslims -- meaning Malays -- in Malaysia need to be divided and conquered. Make them place other interests above Islam. Make them focus on nationalism and party interests (like…

The epic battle rumbles on

It’s a tight fight but some are saying should Rafizi Ramli beat Azmin Ali in the PKR deputy president race, it would be a political abnormality.  Philip Golingai, The Star THE Julau PKR division…

Anwar Ibrahim opposes Sharia laws

And that is why Anwar said PAS is PKR’s enemy. It is because PAS is also DAP’s enemy and any enemy of DAP is an enemy of PKR. And since PAS is DAP’s enemy because of the Sharia Amendment Bill, that…

It’s time to end the blame game

Philip Golingai, The Star IF you can’t fulfil your promise, who do you blame? Blame it on Barisan Nasional. Here’s one example of how the Pakatan Harapan government, when unable to fulfil…

Last Testament by Zaid Ibrahim

Zaid Ibrahim The world came crashing down on me after I suggested in a tweet and a blog posting that Tun Daim Zainuddin and his billionaire friends were making key decisions for the Pakatan…