How to be supreme!

Despite the assurances that it is not about master versus slave, it brings to mind things like white supremacy and the Nazi’s brand of Aryan supremacism. And surely right-thinking people would…

Is PPBM trying to be Umno?

BN was never a coalition in spirit and intent even during Mahathir’s first tenure as prime minister. BN was essentially Umno in disguise. BN was Umno masquerading as a power-sharing multiracial…

Why Umno must die for PPBM to live

If PPBM has more MPs, say 30 or 40, Muhyiddin, or even Mukhriz Mahathir, can stake a claim to be the next deputy prime minister, ensuring PPBM remains relevant. (FMT) - I am not surprised that…

Truth in favour of ICERD

Azlina Harun, Tebrau The recent bold statement by the Minister in the Prime Minister’s department in favour of the nation moving towards ratifying the ICERD with reservation and the…

When talk turns into reality

Umno members have been inundated with claims that their party will be deregistered soon but is that enough to drive the rank and file into the arms of Dr Mahathir?  Joceline Tan, The Star…

Nazri should stop pandering to MCA

MCA is going to divorce Umno anyway and that is probably for the best. Then Umno, PPBM and PAS can get together and tell MCA, DAP and Gerakan that Malaysian politics is now divided into Malays on…

Guan Eng upset with DAP Datuks

At the end of the day, Chinese just love these titles, awards, datukships, tan-sriships, and so on and are willing to pay a lot of money for them. Some have parted with RM250,000 or even RM500,000…

Malaysian Half-Breed

KTEMOC KONSIDERS The online dictionary tells us that the term: half-breed Disparaging and Offensive. noun a contemptuous term used to refer to the offspring of parents of…

More calls for Zahid to take leave

That means this leaves only the 49 Umno MPs. If Anwar needs another 32 votes it has to, therefore, come from Umno. But many of the Umno people want to be with Mahathir and not with Anwar. Hence…

Umno’s demise almost a sure thing now

Rumors have it that a new Malay party will be formed sometime in December as a new "home" for Umno and PPBM parliamentarians. This party is said to try to get the support of enough MPs to become a…