4Cs and C4 in Umno: Implosion within

By Datuk Hj Rais Hussin Hj Mohamed Ariff, Sin Chew To those wondering if some 18 MPs from a total of 53 Umno MPs will jump ship, the answer lies in understanding the DNA of Umno since its very…

Anwar and the sodomy debate

Anyway, Anwar said religious sins should not be made common law crimes as long as they are committed behind closed doors. You can have orgies, gangbangs, gay sex parties, sex with goats, or whatever…

Operasi Lalang 2.0 has started

Welcome to Mahathir 2.0’s Malaysia 2.0 or New Malaysia where we are going to be entertained with Sodomy 3.0. By the way, the boy is not even jambu so I really wonder whether Anwar has any ‘taste’ or…

Mahathir and Anwar’s battle for Umno

Anwar won’t take Mahathir’s word at face value. A whisker away in 1998, he was instead whisked away to a jail cell. Few would fault him to be two-faced to the prime minister today, even if Mahathir…

Stop the exodus before it begins

The dalliance with PAS is completely self-destructive as UMNO will need to cede its base towards a party it had fought tooth and nail before. It would have to play second fiddle despite being the…

Anwar under the spotlight

Anwar’s statement that he would welcome any help to win in Port Dickson, including support from Umno’s Padang Rengas MP Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz, has added to the mistrust and apprehension. M.…

Kit Siang is lying about Jho Low

Anyway, there are no charges yet filed against Jho Low. So why is Kit Siang saying Jho Low should return to Malaysia to defend himself? Defend himself against which charges? Can Kit Siang explain…

Kit Siang has no honour or scruples

Remember what Kit Siang used to say about Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, Anwar Ibrahim, Muhyiddin Yassin and so on? Now see what he says today. A person who is a paragon of truth, justice, virtue and…

Ramai akan ikut Najib ke penjara

A Kadir Jasin Melakukan perubahan pentadbiran dan memenjarakan seorang bekas Perdana Menteri bukanlah semudah teriakan reformasi dan pangkah kertas undi. Ia lebih besar dan sukar daripada…