The Tunku and I

A Kathirasen, Free Malaysia Today Whenever Merdeka comes around, we can’t help but remember the founding fathers, especially Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra al-Haj, the father of independence and the…

UEC itself is not the problem

The problem is that the Federal Constitution is basically dysfunctional for educational reform in an increasingly diverse Malaysian society. Dr Boo Cheng Hau, Free Malaysia Today Exactly 34…

Skandal AES: Miros wajar disiasat?

Apakah benar lokasi-lokasi AES tersebut adalah lokasi majoriti berlakunya kemalangan atau lokasi kemalangan maut berdasarkan statistik dari Bahagian Trafik PDRM? Dr Muhammad Faiz Na'aman,…

Pakatan Lies Galore

KTEMOC KONSIDERS Malaysiakini - OSA, classified CEP report contradict Harapan's pledge for full transparency: Civil society strongly protests the prime minister’s decision to keep the…

The knives are out for Azmin

“THEY want to get to know the future PM.” That was how Prof Datuk Redzuan Othman summed up the large number of foreign diplomats at the launch of a book on Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim. Joceline…

Pakatan under Mahathir is BN Redux

What a humongous lie that Chinese independent schools want their Chinese education to be mainly from China. Wah, Mr Tai Tok-Kok. That has been the perpetual bullshit to suppress the recognition of…

What the Pakatan leaders say

Tony Pua says there are no longer any financial scandals, stolen money or 'hidden money' to expose. Dr Xavier Jayakumar says the government cannot afford the cost to pay BR1M any longer. Tun…

Mahathir’s Banzai to China

KTEMOC KONSIDERS MM Online - Dr M says no to Forest City homes for foreign buyers (extracts): Well, I guess there goes the "Malaysia My Second Home" program. And here comes Mahathir's…