Baik Mahathir dari Anwar

Whether you agree with what Mahathir says or not, he is ‘sharp’ and his words cut right through you. Anwar pusing sini pusing sana and says what he thinks you like to hear -- and he never means what…

What DAP is not telling you

For example, if His Highness the Sultan decides Muslim women must wear a tudung in public and no beer/liquor can be sold in Selangor, the State Constitution of Selangor provides for that. And DAP…

What next for Najib Razak?

In short, Najib’s fate and future depends on who is the prime minister post-GE15, and which party sits in Putrajaya. With the right ‘formula’, even an underaged rape victim can be arrested instead…

Why Najib must be acquitted

By Tommy Thomas’s own confession, they did not yet know the whole truth at the time they arrested and charged Najib. Only after Najib was convicted did they know the whole truth. And the truth…

Polis Diraja Malaysia BOHONG!

In 2015, the Monetary Authority of Singapore informed Bank Negara Malaysia about suspicious transactions involving two companies, Cutting Edge Industries Ltd and Iron Rhapsody Ltd, which were owned…