How Malaysians have matured

Salleh Said Keruak In the 1999 general election, there was a wave of support towards the opposition but many, especially the non-Malays, voted Barisan Nasional because they were worried that if…

What Lim Kit Siang wants for Malaysia

Pakatan Harapan leaders, who made history on May 9, must ensure that history is made in Malaysia in the next five years to rebuild a New Malaysia with systemic and institutional reforms accompanied…

Get rid of BTN and JAKIM as well

KTemoc Konsiders It's good to hear of the new government getting rid of PEMANDU, SPAD and JASA. I fully support such a move. But let's not stop there as there are more useless leeching…

Where’s the ‘Ubah’ in Sabah?

By Clement Stanley, Free Malaysia Today As a Sabahan, I have a vested interest in what goes on in my state. I believe the same goes for all those who voted, and even those who did not vote in…

Who Should Be Charged For 1MDB?

I agree with Aziz Sheikh Fadzir that the government should hurry and charge those interviewed by PAC for lying, like the BOD, the auditors, Arul Kanda and Shahrol. Charge them and let the truth come…

Reboot political parties

(MMO) - Umno, Pribumi and Perkasa are interchangeable and members can swap parties as and when, depending on who’s leading it. All the Barisan Nasional (BN) parties are soul-searching. Each…

Political narrative or facts?

Najib Tun Razak 1. Words said and allegations made while in the opposition carries a very different weight now that you are in power and holding the positions of the Finance Minister or the…

Rule of law is not arbitrary rule

Kua Kia Soong, Free Malaysia Today The new Pakatan Harapan government claims to be serious about implementing the rule of law in this country without fear or favour instead of the arbitrary…

Empowering Majlis Raja-Raja

Separation of powers…. Checks & balances…… Ivan Oh These are some of the terms we usually come across in a good governance system. However, in the wake of the recent 1MDB scandal, many…

Harapan already not walking the talk

MALAYSIAKINI LETTER | Not even a week into Pakatan Harapan’s rule and cracks are already appearing. Lim Guan Eng has a court case pending. Even if it is a trumped up case, it must be proved to…

Who is Xavier Andre Justo?

(The Straits Times, 25 June 2015) - This morning, New Straits Times readers woke up to images of a heavily tattooed foreigner surrounded by armed officers, held in the custody of the Thai police…