Tasting the power of true democracy

Azmi Sharom, The Star IT is 4pm on May 10 as I write this. I have turned off my phone as it has been incessantly buzzing for the past 24 hours. Moments ago, different groups of friends were…

And the Pakatan revenge begins

No, I am not playing the victim, as some of you say. I am merely saying that in defeat we pay the price. And I am paying that price, which I openly accept. If it makes you happy to curse me then…

Terima kasih UMNO

Rosli Dahlan Terima kasih UMNO keranamu Melayu bersatu Terima kasih UMNO Yang mengubah nasib anak bangsa dari papa menjadi kaya dari petani jadi saintis dari nelayan jadi akauntan dari…

Happy birthday Umno

When Najib Tun Razak took over in 2009, the year after the first warning in 2008, he should have done what his late father did in 1973. But he did not and the people gave him a second chance in…

A new dawn for democracy?

Tunku Zain Al-’Abidin, Malay Mail Online The ninth of May 2018 will be etched in the memories of those who enabled and witnessed Malaysian political history. The initial stirrings of concern…

For Najib, worst yet to come

Zainal Epi, Malay Mail Online Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad is about to create Malaysian history by becoming the prime minister for the second time, after nearly 16 years of absence from active…


Many are saying that GE14 is the mother of all general elections, that GE14 is a personal contest between Mahathir and Najib, that GE14 is a fight for change.…

A 50:50 race

Whoever wins the elections, it is undeniable that to Umno, significant damage has been done as cracks have appeared in its once powerful fortresses while its leaders suffer irreversible damage of…

Unpredictable times in Kedah

Others think that Kedah is about to swing again. Joceline Tan, The Star DATUK Seri Ahmad Bashah Md Hanipah started out confident that he could secure a two-thirds majority in Kedah for…

The end is near

Karamjit Gill The frenzy of predictions for soccer games as the weekend approaches is nothing compared to the zeal that’s buzzing nationwide for the upcoming general elections. Termed the ‘Battle…

The limits to identity politics in GE14

This election appears to be a battle between mirror images: a Mahathir–Anwar-Nik Aziz (represented here by Nik Omar) coalition versus another partnership of Najib Razak and Hadi Awang—all former…