Political alliances 101

We must not be emotional about political alliances. Political alliances are like someone visiting a brothel. You visit a brothel just to have sex with a prostitute, after which you pay him or her…

Melaka may be the end of PAS

Both Umno and Bersatu are weak in Melaka. So, PAS will be choosing between one weak partner and another even weaker partner. The only workable formula is an Umno-PAS-Bersatu electoral pact. Short of…

Just hold live debates on TV

These ceramah and door-to-door campaigns are a legacy of 1951, which was 70 years ago, when there was no TV, Internet, mobile-smart phones, and very few had access to radio. That was a time when…

Islam says katak is good

Oh, and Islam says in the afterlife you will follow your imam. If your imam goes to heaven you will go to heaven and if your imam goes to hell you will go to hell. So be very careful who you choose…