Vitriol not valid or vital

Wong Chun Wai, The Star THERE’S something toxic about politics in Malaysia that can throw logic and good grace out the window, as exemplified by the current heated general election campaign.…

Venturing into the lion’s den

Joceline Tan, The Star TUN Dr Mahathir Mohamad went into the lion’s den on Wednesday, stopping right in front of the Umno building in Pekan town. He posed for selfies with some passers-by as…

Civility Goes to the Dogs for GE14

Karamjit Gill We have often heard Malaysians been ridiculed for poor driving etiquette. Based on data by the World Health Organisation (WHO), Malaysia was ranked the 10th worst globally. Not long…

Chicken Little is back

KTEMOC KONSIDERS You know, I have never like Tony Pua very much since quite a while, well, probably first in my early blogging days when we had an accidental encounter. From our interactions, I…

Remember 1999

Why should we trust Lim Kit Siang's on-off-on-off-etc political advice? He has been inconsistent in his political alliances and had led us astray where he convinced us to basically waste our votes…

DAP in state of panic and chaos

Kit Siang was told that the PKR logo cannot sell and many Chinese are rejecting it. In fact, they are anticipating a low Chinese voter turnout due to this problem unless they can hard-sell to the…

Why BN, you asked?

Goh Wei Liang, Malay Mail Online Yesterday I saw on Twitter a post that was retweeted by Marina Mahathir. The tweet said “If u make below RM2000/month, you are poor. When you are poor, you…

GE14: A contest between two Umnos

Whichever side we vote for, we'll still be ruled by Umno. Tan Ming Ho, Free Malaysia Today The choice voters have in next week’s polls, really, is between two Umnos. Many of the most…

GE14: From Zeroes to Superheroes

Malaysia’s tale of GE14 seems to have discovered an expedited route to generating superheroes. Michael Yeo Numerous movies were released over the last decade exploring every single character…

GE14, who will have the last laugh?

Everyone walks away with something while Mahathir loses everything and ends up with nothing. Najib, Kit Siang, Anwar, Wan Azizah all benefit from Mahathir’s decision of selling himself to the…

The faint signs of Malay Tsunami

BN only needs to win 50% of the smallest 112 seats in the country which collectively make up only 33% of all voters, meaning only 16.5% of votes are needed for BN to win the elections. Lim Sue…