In the mood for lies

Philip Golingai The Star THERE’S a photograph on the Internet that is the perfect tool if you want to fool the public. It shows a brown box containing thousands of ringgit – some say half a…

Is Haniff really a lawyer?

Raja Sara Petra Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad's lawyer, Mohd Haniff Khatri Abdulla, said Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak cannot sign the Surat Watikah since 16 Umno members have filed a case in court…

DAP is a Chinese Party

Zaid Ibrahim It looks like I have a natural talent for courting controversy, even when tweeting what I thought to be a harmless comment. Last week, I said that a Chinese party had made known…

Is Kit Siang going for broke in JB?

Joceline Tan, The Star DAP’s Lim Kit Siang has always been difficult to read and he has been super coy about where he will be contesting in the general election. Speculation that he will…

Conundrum in GE14

Tan Siok Choo, The Sun Daily BEFORE marking their ballots on May 9, the 14.9 million Malaysian voters should consider this conundrum: if strong economic growth is the bedrock of an electoral…

A vote spoilt is a vote wasted

Who most stands to benefit from a well-organised, well-exposed campaign aimed at young, urban voters, who are overwhelmingly anti-establishment, to spoil their votes. Chew Jian Li, Free…

The Mistake Of Underestimating PAS

The biggest lie and mistake ever told by PH especially DAP is PAS mundur miskin parti tok lebai etc. Lagi bodoh when they themselves believe in their own lies. Ahmad Faiz Faiza "Where does PAS…

Will Langkawi support Dr M?

DAP is heavily invested in Dr Mahathir because they need the Malay tsunami to make the Chinese voters believe that the Government will fall and persuade them to come along in greater numbers.…

Down to the wire with the Malays

If the Barisan continues to get the mandate, as expected, DAP could end up occupying the biggest seats on the opposition bench since the rest of the Malay parties are generally untested, with PKR…

A Tale of Three Leaders

The upcoming 14th General Elections would invariably decide the destiny of Malaysia’s top 3 political juggernauts – Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak, Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, and Datuk Seri Anwar…