Hung assembly in Selangor?

DAP’s attempt to contest an additional two seats in mixed-ethnic areas is widely seen as a bid to put up Malay faces whom they can later present as candidates for the Selangor Mentri Besar post.…

My RM100,000 challenge to can name the lawyer to act as our trustee for this bet and once it places its RM100,000 bet with that lawyer I will also do the same and the day after Polling Day the lawyer can pay that…

Will Mahathir contest in Pekan?

Raja Sara Petra DAP’s Penang Chief Minister, Lim Guan Eng, said he will agree to debate MCA’s Deputy President, Wee Ka Siong, the subject of the Penang undersea tunnel corruption scandal on…

What it means to be Chinese

The basic Chinese character traits are drilled into our consciousness from a young age. We have to be determined and we have to work hard, nurture our entrepreneurial instincts, and respect our…

Out With The Fake

SEADEMON SAYS I remember a huge debate being made in 2012, especially on Twitter on the implementation of the Automated Enforcement System (AES) on Malaysian roads.  Being a proponent of…

The 10 sins of Pakatan Harapan leaders

Here are the 10 sins of Pakatan Harapan leaders. Cheah Sin Chong, Berita Daily 1. Kleptocracy This word which means a ruler stealing from its people has been used on Najib Razak and BN as…


DARI SUDUT LAIN Awal tahun lepas, The Other View (TOV) telah menulis berkenaan isu tanah di Ijok yang kini sedang dihangatkan kembali. Isu ini berkaitan kepincangan urus tadbir kerajaan negeri…

In fair elections, size does matter

In smaller constituencies, it is easier for a party to win the election because it will take fewer votes. Thus, each individual vote carries more weight compared to a vote in a much larger…

When will we ever learn?

Many believe this Malton project in TTDI represents a landmark case as the moment one developer manages to bulldoze its way to build on gazetted green spaces, many others will most certainly follow…

GE 14: The Politics of Personalities

It is a pity that through their reporting and analysis, a number of journalists have also contributed to the strengthening of the politics of personalities. Underlying trends and concerns may not…

Fake news: how it changed Europe

Raja Sara Petra One side of the argument on Malaysia’s new fake news law is that it curtails freedom of information. That, of course, is one view. But then there are always two sides to any…

The Undersea Tunnel Conspiracy theory

The real reason behind the breakup of Pakatan Rakyat seems to be due to the policy disputes over RU355 and the Selangor MB. But could it be related to the Penang Roads and Tunnels projects…

Hungry for power in Kedah

Kedah is bracing for a battle of coalitions and multi-cornered fights galore. There are 1.2 million voters in the state and they will be spoilt for choice this time around. Joceline Tan, The…

Melayan Bontot Lembu

SeaDemon Says Banyak betul ajaran sesat yang disebarkan melalui WhatsApp sejak kebelakangan ini.  Kalau ikut logik penyokong parti pembangkang, itu tanda-tanda pilihanraya semakin hampir.  …

Wan Azizah, are you for real?

Wan Azizah just cannot bring herself to say that the reason why Mahathir wants to oust Najib is to make Mukhriz the Prime Minister -- like how she tells the other PKR leaders they must be careful of…

Something to talk about

Wong Chun Wai, The Star IF there’s one job that requires no experience, qualification, and certainly no age limit, it’s that of a politician. You can be an elected Member of Parliament,…

Blue and green fight in Kedah

Joceline Tan, The Star THE sky was a brilliant blue and this is the time of the year when a beautiful breeze sweeps across the padi fields of Kedah from morning to night. It was perfect weather…