Keep ‘low-class’ squabbles out

Wong Chun Wai, The Star SOME of our politicians seem to have a knack for sticking their foot in their mouth. They likely enjoy doing it with the belief that their bravado helps authenticate…

A cursed but coveted seat

Pakatan has been blowing its trumpet about toppling the Umno fortress in Johor. It might want to put its effort into defending Selangor because the state is no longer a Pakatan fortress without…

Criticism is part of democracy

There are limits to free speech, of course, but as was stated by the US Supreme Court, voices that are critical of public figures, particularly in matters of public interest, must be given as much…

An open letter to BNM Governors

Dear Board of Directors of BNM, please do not ignore these questions which clear the air on BNM’s integrity and independence, and thus about our financial and economic future. KJ John, TMI…

So close, yet so hard to read

Joceline Tan, The Star FOR many years after the political tsunami, Tan Sri Dr Koh Tsu Koon was like some sort of “invisible man” in Penang. The former Chief Minister has many friends and…

Why the Chinese hate MCA and BN

By Sebastian Loh, Free Malaysia Today Poor MCA. The party’s leaders have been wearing their best game faces as the general election approaches, apparently confident that they’ll make gains.…


Mereka bukannya pengundi semata-mata. Mereka adalah darah daging kita.Sebagai manusia yang berwibawa dan berhati murni. Warisilah masalah mereka, perkasakanlah iman bangsa Malaysia.…