GE14: How will Chinese vote?

The Chinese community knows that the Pakatan machinery has been working in Malay areas to fish for support, assuming support from Chinese voters is in the bag. Azman Abdul Hamid is BH…

The Pakatan Harapan logic

Raja Petra Kamarudin, Malaysia Outlook A week ago, one-time PKR Deputy President Abdul Rahman Othman, aka ARO, said if you are not a member of one of the four Pakatan Harapan parties — DAP,…

The undoing of Pakatan

This is Pakatan Harapan's problem and why they will lose voters more than they gain. Primarily, it is because the Malays don't vote for persona, they vote for brands – we have seen this with…

Undercurrents in Selangor over Dr M

Joceline Tan, The Star THE dust has yet to settle in Pakatan Harapan over the naming of Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad as their prime minister nominee. The coalition turned an important corner in…

Any deal must include Mukhriz

To prove that Mahathir’s deal with Pakatan Harapan is not about Mukhriz, he will have to be given a state seat to contest. If Mukhriz is given a parliament seat to contest then we know this whole…

The trouble with a bubble

One Man's Meat, The Star IN my political bubbles, the Oppo­sition has won GE14. I’ve got two political bubbles. One comprises urban, middle-class people in the Klang Valley. Those in the…

Mahathir: Father of all U-turns

Sebastian Loh, Malaysia Impact “I admit many left or stopped supporting UMNO when I left. Now that I am back, and if they think that my struggle is good, they too must come back to UMNO.” – …

Will Azmin go rogue on Pakatan?

Narinder Singh, Berita Daily Last August, it was announced by Pakatan Harapan that Selangor Menteri Besar Azmin Ali will be the election director of the coalition leading into the 14th general…


KE ARAH POLITIK MALAYSIA YANG MATANG (SIRI 13) DARI SUDUT LAIN Apabila kita berbicara mengenai politik idea, kita mestilah melihat kepada sudut-sudut positif yang dibawa oleh setiap pemain…

Listening to what Mahathir does

In fact, Azmin is planning to challenge Dr Wan Azizah for the party presidency. Once he takes over as PKR’s President he will want to take over from Wan Azizah the post of Deputy Prime Minister as…

The Pakatan Convention aftermath

(MMO) - If Pakatan loses out at federal but Selangor Pakatan under Azmin holds on to the state, he can claim leadership of Pakatan and chart the path to the 15th General Election. Dr M is now…