Raja Sara Petra Why must Kit Siang keep repeating this story of moderate Islam and extremist Islam when he knows such talk is just going to create more tension and friction?…

Guiding light

While in the past we could still cling on to our patronage system and resist change, we can no longer do the same today. Change, or be changed by the world. Lim Sue Goan, Sin Chew Daily…

A Muslim’s defence of atheists

The business of determining the truth or accuracy of such a belief, if at all so important, ought to be left to the person holding the belief. The state should not police such a belief, regardless…

Dr M tries to woo millennials

The town-hall session was for youths to hear out Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, but what transpired may have reopened old wounds hurtful to his new friends in the Opposition.  Joceline Tan, The Star…

Safe pair of hands in Hisham

The perception was that he came into Umno with a silver spoon in the mouth but Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Tun Hussein has earned his stripes. He is seen as a reliable face and he is in the running for…

A snake in DAP

KTemoc Konsiders FMT - Semua salah guna kuasa akan disiasat, kata Kit Siang (extracts): 'ni semua ta'apa, hanya sap sap suoi saje - tun sekarang pihak kami PETALING…

The friend of an enemy is… a friend?

Even a friend of an enemy can be a friend, as Umno tries to woo Anwar back to its side. Lim Sue Goan, Sin Chew Daily PM Najib and DPM Ahmad Zahid recently took turns to visit PKR's de facto…