DAP is killing Chinese schools

The issue here is when it comes to Malays, and when it is feared that PAS may benefit, the government acts. But when it comes to Chinese, and when it is clear that DAP is benefiting (even MCA admits…

You don’t speak Chinese?

I’m a Malaysian Chinese, not a Chinese from China. Michelle Chen, Free Malaysia Today While it would be nice to speak Chinese, one shouldn't be expected to speak the language just because…

Rafizi Ramli foot-in-mouth

(LSS) - Rafizi Ramli is now alleging that the visit by Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak to the White House at President Trump's invitation is not an official visit. However, as can be seen below…

Malaysian Indians: Slaving for the Mandors

Nothing ever translates into a workable outcome, neither YB Charles Santiago nor YB Xavier Jayakumar have detailed a single plan or strategy for the Indian community ever since they assumed office…

Will Pakatan squabbling ever end?

Through the years, its leaders have made alliances, broken off alliances, and embraced former enemies. But inevitably and predictably, they turn on each other – see the Kajang move, their fight…

The Chinese get what they deserve

What the Chinese do not realise is they are being rewarded anyway even when they do not support the government. The government can easily close down all the Chinese schools and ban Chinese education…

The divisive factor

By TAY TIAN YAN, Sin Chew Daily PKR seems to have lost its direction before the election war is even started. For these two weeks, PKR is like a rocking boat that has no idea which way it is…

Anwar lied at the RCI hearing

Anwar has to remember what he says because he has been contradicting himself so many times. Back in 2012 Anwar said the losses were about US$10 billion and that Mahathir was involved, and yesterday…

Nose not sharp cheek push-push

Instead of quarrelling about whether they agree or disagree to remarry PAS, they should first check wether PAS has any desire to remarry them. If not then the Malays would call this hidung tak…

The Pakatan Harapan dilemma

The opposition bloc provides a good democratic environment, but it must not keep the public in the dark on the direction of individual parties or the coalition as a whole. Arveent…


That’s right, there’s nothing on this page. That’s because I need not write anything. Just read what I wrote over the last four years since 2013 regarding the Kajang Move, what they said about…


Latheefa Koya I restrained myself from speaking so as not to have public spats. But this boy, sticking to the true Ponorogo strategy continues to issue press statements in total breach of party…

When the system falls apart

The fact that a simple sentence as orang atasan cakap jangan campur tangan was enough to stop the auditor-general's office from pursuing the case shows that this whole system is severely flawed…

Rafizi fighting too many fires

PKR’s ‘Wonder Boy’ is taking a huge gamble by openly questioning Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim’s ‘amanat’ or mandate to engage with PAS in facing the general election. Joceline Tan, The Star…