DARI SUDUT LAIN Baru-baru ini Lim Kit Siang dalam satu ceramahnya telah memetik dua potong ayat al-Quran. Beliau telah membacakan terjemahan ayat 42 dan 60 daripada Surah al-Baqarah, sebagai…

What kind of country are we after?

Poor work attitude has unfortunately become synonymous with Malaysians, making us an international laughing stock as we host this major sporting event. Lim Sue Goan, Sin Chew Daily We did…

Forex RCI: Nowhere to Hide 4.0

And that is what the Forex RCI a.k.a. Nowhere to Hide 4.0 is all about -- the death of Kit Siang, DAP and Pakatan Harapan once Mahathir, Daim and Anwar are hanged from the highest tree for costing…

Kit Siang is panicking big-time

Now Kit Siang does not think the Pakatan Ali Baba idea is a good idea after all. The baggage that Mahathir is carrying is going to be DAP’s and Pakatan Harapan’s baggage as well and the Chinese are…

Sparks fly over ‘50, Love Lane’

Joceline Tan, The Star The war of words between the powerful Penang government and a Chinese cultural group over a heritage property in George Town’s inner city has grown more intense. TWO…

What is Kit Siang’s strategy?

Salleh Said Keruak Lim Kit Siang realises that Pakatan Harapan’s strategy is not working. He initially thought that the PAS breakaway party, PAN, and the Umno breakaway party, PPBM, would be…

Islam makes the Malays weak

Confusing is it not? The Tunku was ousted because he was accused of neglecting the Malays and they triggered May 13 as the catalyst to oust him and now they say the Malaysian Malays are failures…