I am Malay and Muslim and proud of it

The Chinese and Indians are playing the race and religion card. The Malays are worried that if they do the same they will get called racists and extremists. As Tun Musa Hitam once said 30 years ago,…

Probable scenarios of GE14

If as we have unfortunately expected, just as BN was being greatly hit by HINDRAF in the 2008 election, in this coming election Pakatan Harapan will probably be quietly hit by the Indian…

The Country Will Not Survive Without Me

The love and lust for power take them to a stage that they think they are indispensable for the country. The country cannot prosper without them. F R Chowdhury Corruption comes in different…

An open letter to Pakatan’s defenders

Don’t pretend to be any better than the Umno and BN mouthpieces you so despise. Don’t pretend you want to save Malaysia. What you crave is not genuine change, but regime change. Sebastian Loh,…

Pribumi’s Catch-22

It is inconceivable Pribumi can muster greater moral legitimacy when it is a near copy of the team it seeks to defeat. Praba Ganesan, The Malay Mail Online Pribumi is dead in the water. Last…

Betrayal is in Mahathir’s DNA

There was so much on Ku Li’s plate so he could not also do the job of Deputy Prime Minister at the same time. Ku Li told Hussein he will forgo his turn and become the Deputy Prime Minister when the…

Mari Bantah Penjualan Negara

SeaDemon Says Seronok melihat semangat patriotik rakyat Malaysia yang cintakan tanah air dan bangkit bersuara membantah penglibatan negara luar dalam projek-projek raksasa di Malaysia.…

The Mahathir-Muhyiddin dynamic

But the constitution of Pribumi is clear about how the two roles are different. Wan Saiful Wan Jan, The Star PARTI Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia will be celebrating its first anniversary on Sept…

Malaysia’s Frankenstein

Even a man who once had a reputation as a Malay supremacist has ended up looking like a traitor to the Malays. Sheith Khidhir Bin Abu Bakar, Free Malaysia Today Ask a Malay to tell you the…

Why no Bahai temple in Malaysia

The Bahai community of Malaysia has been around since the independence of Malaya and then Malaysia. They are peace loving people who have contributed to the country's peace and security with its…

18 years down the drain

Nurul’s betrayal is the ultimate betrayal and must never be forgotten till the end of time. This is what I call 18 years down the drain! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vc1VnnRNEg4