Anwar the Drama Queen

After Muhyiddin received copies of the letters from the Agong, he confronted Zahid in the presence of PAS President Tok Guru Abdul Hadi Awang and Zahid confessed that he had indeed signed the letter…

Hakikatnya, PKR sedang runtuh

WAN SAIFUL WAN JAN Nampaknya pembangkang masih tak habis-habis dengan budaya fitnah. Strategi memburukkan kerajaan, menimbulkan keraguan, dan melontar tohmahan ini memang sudah lama jadi amalan…

Why Umno and PH should team up for GE15

If Umno and the DAP in PH were to come together and work in tandem for the good of the nation, there would likely be a tendency to stop playing the race card, which means less likelihood of anyone…