Consequences Umno will have to face

When elected reps are compelled to take sides based on their religious affiliations, what we are going to have is no longer a political rivalry but religious rivalry which will eventually tear up…

Confession of a big-time liquidator

Some people are apparently exempted from complying with the Companies Act From  Lost for Words via email An important question about fairness in the enforcement of the law was inadvertently…

Hudud: Central to Islam?

Dr. Chandra Muzaffar The proponents of hudud laws have created the erroneous impression that hudud laws are central to Islam, that they define the character and identity of an Islamic state and…

DAP, listen! Listen! Listen!

Adrian Lim Chee En, The Heat Malaysia DAP is at a crossroad - they must make a decision to maintain Penang and its traditional Chinese votes at the expense of Putrajaya, or try to win Federal…

How Hadi very cleverly killed Amanah

Actually this is a brilliant move by Hadi. Now the Malay voters in Kuala Kangsar and Sungai Besar can see that the Chinese from both sides of the political divide are united against Islam. And…

MCA confirms it opposes the Qur’an

Yes, MCA, just like its brother, DAP, is against Islam. It opposes the Qur’an so it is against Islam. It is as simple as that and there are no two ways about it. And the blood of those who wage…