Is the MACC lying, yet again?

Or is this going to be the first time in so many years that people are finally going to believe that the MACC is telling the truth? I suppose you never know. Maybe at last people are going to…

Why BN Supporters Defend Their Leaders

It has been a good 8 years since 2008, 17 years since PKR was formed and 59(!) years since DAP was founded. So indulge me for a moment as I ask – what is this “fair fight” that you want?…

Please Don’t Transfer the Problems

If the present rules, regulations and laws do not allow for stiff disciplinary action to be taken, then for our own good, please change the laws! Do not Manja Manja and undermine the Maruah of the…

Is Rafizi a hero?

“The WPA says that whistleblowers can provide evidence if it is legally available through the course of their work. The catch phrase here is ‘legally available through the course of their work.’…

Another desperate act of Mahathir

Salleh Said Keruak I hope Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad is not purposely trying to set himself up to get arrested with the aim of gaining public sympathy when he told The Weekend Australian that…

Why the 1MDB issue will not go away

It is very important that the PAC, MACC, police, etc., all come out with a guilty verdict and confirm that Najib did steal at least RM42 billion of 1MDB’s money and that at least RM2.6 billion…