The Declaration has already been signed. What must be done now, is to insist that any change includes the institutional changes demanded in the Declaration.
Yu Ren Chung, The Malay Mail Online…
There is a lot of negative perception about this including if there was a hidden agenda behind changing the actual goal scorer from James to Ali. This is a question best left to Director Chiu and…
By Gayathry Venkiteswaran, Free Malaysia Today
I expect political parties to make negotiations and compromises, sometimes wrongly, but they do have a constituency and I do believe in the power of…
Umar Mukhtar
Now that the political divide in Kuala Lumpur is slightly clearer, the play is for someone to be the Malaysian version of Juan Ponce Enrile, the Philippines’ former minister of defence…
Mahathir, Muhyiddin and the Opposition, together with people’s power, overthrow the Umno-led government and realign Malaysian politics for the better once and for all.
Liew Chin Tong, The Ant…
1. Perlu difahami bahawa matlamat yang satu yang dipelopori oleh Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad dan semua yang menandatangani Deklarasi Rakyat ialah agar Dato' Seri Najib Razak undur untuk saya ambil…
Zurairi AR, Malay Mail Online
Since its publication in November last year, an English translation of the Quran called The Study Quran has allegedly caused a stir among ultra-conservative…
Dr Mahathir’s ganging up with the opposition has had very mixed response – scepticism and disbelief, praise and derision, support and rejection, amusement and disgust.
Joceline Tan, The Star…
But Dr Mahathir hopes his son can still make it. While he says he wants Najib ousted, he refuses to say who he wants as the new Prime Minster once Najib is ousted. He only says he does not want…
How much does the MACC spend just to follow me around and monitor me in Bangkok? Is this how they spend the Malaysian taxpayers’ money? And is this their job? And why do they need to follow me…
Umar Mukhtar
That's the fun thing about unstructured get-togethers. Especially of rainbow-coloured 'make-a-wish' groupings. A myriad of wishes from bleeding-heart groupies interspersed among the…
This is really what those 57 people who signed the Deklarasi Mahathir signed on.
First main point is already tipu. Here it is:
"Fasal 3. Di bawah pentadbirannya negara jatuh…
Salleh Said Keruak
Yesterday, 58 individuals who claim to be representing the rakyat signed what they call a Citizens’ Declaration or Deklarasi Rakyat. Amongst those 58 were also some retired…
Sheridan Mahavera, The Malaysian Insider
It is telling that Malaysia’s most prominent political enemies avoided many of the hard questions as they tried to convince a sceptical public that…
Zakiah Koya, Hornbill Unleashed
There was no question as to what the agenda was: It was an event designed to oust Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak by all means, even if means linking hands…
Salleh Said Keruak
Those who attended the ANC (Anti-Najib Campaign) press conference today were the same voices who have been most vocal and who have been demanding Prime Minister Najib Tun…
Next time listen when Malaysia Today says that the amount was US$1 billion and not US$700 million. But then you wanted to believe it was US$700 million because that figure was needed to support the…
Hafidz Baharom, The Heat Malaysia
This question has been nagging me for some time, especially since there are people who walk up to me and say we should just support Pakatan Harapan blindly and…
Faida Hamdy confiscated a vegetable stall in Tunisia five years ago today. Neither she nor the rest of the world could have imagined the consequences
The Telegraph
It is hardly surprising…
Dr Mahathir played his last card when he resigned. He thought that his resignation would turn the tide. But it did not. In fact, the tide swept him away. Now Dr Mahathir no longer has any cards left…
The Third Force
A man with a thousand shades of grey on his head is what they’re calling Tun Dr. Mahathir these days. Colour those shades orange, and call him Donald Trump – the same arrogance, the…
The Third Force
For the past year or so, a good number of politicians from both sides of the political divide have been labouring under the misconception that they could wrestle the job of Prime…
Umar Mukhtar
That seems to be the message. Dr Mahathir Mohamad wants UMNO intact as a ruling party when he takes it back, and better still, for its members to remain the type that he can con like…
Lim Kit Siang and the rest in Pakatan Harapan are, of course, very pleased to ‘help’ Dr Mahathir achieve his objectives. Anything that can hurt Umno is fair game to Kit Siang and the Pakatuns. A…
Tan Poh Kheng, Malay Mail Online
Some of the things in the world should be done only once, as repetition will kill all the novelty and momentum.
It is hard to tell now whether Mahathir will go…
Umar Mukhtar
As of this time last year, Dr. Mahathir Mohamad wanted to remove Prime Minister Najib Razak in order to save UMNO. This was presumably because of Najib's performance and perceived…
Will Muhyiddin roll with Zahid to get at Najib or is just stirring something to make Umno stink so bad before he finally says adieu?
Zakiah Koya, The Heat Malaysia
Main question: Can Tan Sri…
Salleh Said Keruak
In this day and age, especially in the era of the borderless world due to the Internet, freedom of speech and the expressing of one’s opinion is almost taken for granted. What we…
JUST days after announcing his exit from Umno, former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad met up with his nemesis Lim Kit Siang over what was meant to discuss on national issues.…
Mustafa Jafar
In 2015, the Opposition and Tun Dr. Mahathir’s effort to remove Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak from office was like a new release of The Fast and The Furious!