We admit and we surrender

LSS Report We surrender. (well, not me) After Thai Police Chief had said that 10 persons dealt with Xavier Justo in the sale of stolen date, The Edge's publisher probably lost his nerves and…

Should political funding be capped?

Karamjit Gill Across the globe, the most heated debate that has been going on for some time now is with regards to political funding especially when it involves an election. Every election is…

Malaysia Today Incorrect – MACC

Referring to news reports under the title "Return of the Jedi: The Return Match for Najib" dated July 18, 2015 and "Plumber Wanted: to plug the leak in the Special Task Force" dated July 20, 2015,…

It is beginning to become hazy

Salleh Said Keruak Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s latest Blog posting is not very clear. It sounds very much like he is on the defensive and is trying to justify his actions by comparing it with…

Funeral over, now for wedding

The Pakatan Rakyat marriage was good while it lasted but the political union is over and another ‘wedding’ will take place not long after Hari Raya. Joceline Tan, The Star AZMIN Ali returned…

A blend of fact and fiction

The 1MDB story has morphed into a complex tableau involving top opposition party figures, media tycoons, the London-based Sarawak Report and, of course, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad. Joceline Tan,…

The Empire strikes back

According to my deep throat in the Thai police, the names of the people who are on the list to be investigated, with possibly even warrants of arrest to be issued to bring them back to Thailand…