Gua caya sama lu

DAP will be firm on our principles and will not work with kleptocrats but we must be open-minded and flexible to co-operate with Malaysians of integrity, regardless of race, religion or politics, to…

Umno cannot rule alone

Umno’s history and track record speaks for itself. It is illogical to claim that Umno does not need partners and entirely on its own it can win the general election. For 65 years since the 1955…

The Umno-DAP-Taliban syndrome

Malaysians need to stop being too emotional and become more pragmatic. Go see all the episodes of “Game of Thrones” if you have not yet done so. You make friends and enemies to suit your political…

Teori konspirasi vs realiti

A Kadir Jasin 1. Pada jam 9.28 pagi, 4 Disember saya terima mesej WhatsApp dari seorang sahabat kepercayaan Ketua Pembangkang Parlimen, Anwar Ibrahim, berbunyi: "Kerajaan PN Perak jatuh hari…