Another split crisis

Sin Chew Daily The Federal Court will announce its judgement on PKR adviser Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim's appeal against his conviction and five-year jail term for sodomy on February 10. At this…

Air the dirty laundry, please

Trying to silence the media will sharpen the perception that there is something to hide Scott Ng, Free Malaysia Today Plugging your ears and screaming at the top of your voice so you don’t…

I am your enemy

But how to share the same doctrine when many of you still believe in Buddha or the pantheon of Hindu Gods or that Jesus is the Son of God or that Islam makes it mandatory that you impose your…

Youth as third force

Ideally, a youth political party should not make itself subservient to any of the coalitions and remain as the third force, the alternative that represents our bright future.  Scott Ng, Free…

Islamism is a Chinese problem

Always made the bogeyman of Umno’s clumsy political machinations, it is the Chinese, not Umno, who must pay for the consequences, the backlash from the threats issued by the assorted Malay …

PasMa: Pas Baru

Anwar was hoping that Hadi would be out of office by now. But Hadi is still holding on so efforts need to be stepped up to ensure a leadership change in PAS. And this is what PasMa and the RM1.5…

Sabah’s untold story

The good things the state government has done are not often talked about. By Salleh Said Keruak The trouble with the alternative media is that they like to focus just on the bad news while…

It’s all about the money

The weekend’s demonstration is more than about politics, political intrigue and Azmin Ali. It is not about Malays versus Chinese and Indians. It is about the Haves and Have Nots among the Malays,…

More rope to hang Lukas Straumann?

BlogTakes It appears that there will be more rope to hang Bruno Manser Fund’s Dr Lukas Straumann for the defamatory statements made in recent weeks against Sarawak governor Tun Pehin Sri Haji…

Sorry Hadi, I beg to differ

PAS president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang is duly concerned that local government election would cause instability. In his view, Chinese councillors would take over in certain big cities if…

Multilingualism and Segregation

When we decide on our language policy, in which generation’s interest are we focusing on? We are often proud that Malaysia is a multilingual country where a few languages are…

The local council elections debate

Salleh Said Keruak The issue of the third vote or local council elections is being hotly debated by both sides of the political divide and is receiving mixed reactions from both those in…

Speaking up against extremism

Those who exploit sensitive issues to incite anger and hatred should be taken to task by the authorities without fear or favour, says corporate captain Datuk Seri Nazir Razak. Errol Oh, The…

Four tops in a danse macabre?

Ishmael Lim, FMT It is hardly surprising that Anwar Ibrahim has been willing to step up to bowl, if MACC is willing to bat, over allegations concerning Daim Zainuddin. There is no love lost…

When I’m sixty-four

I go to sleep at night telling myself that this may be my last day on earth and that I may never wake up the next morning. When the pilot announces for all of us to get back to our seats and to…