Mr PM, do you support idiotic behaviour?

It is unbelievable that opposition politicians who had come around to distribute aid to flood victims at a relief centre in Kluang, Johor, were shooed away by the Kluang local authorities. P…

It floods because God is angry

Yes, Malaysia suffers floods. And the floods get worse every year. But is God punishing us for not implementing Hudud by flooding our land or is it because of over-logging and deforestation that…

KJ, this generation’s Anwar

Hazlan Zakaria, The Ant Daily In all likeliness, cabinet member Youth and Sports Minister Khairy Jamaluddin, more popularly known by his moniker of KJ, is the current generation's “Anwar” given…

An Umno Baru view of geography

Mariam Mokhtar When Deputy Finance Minister Ahmad Maslan compared the different attitudes of Chinese and Malay schoolchildren, he decided that lessons in “entrepreneurship” could create more…

Floods, Hudud and Whatever!

Citizen Times Idealistic Malaysians still cannot see how Pakatan Rakayt leaders have an unholy and disunited coalition their forced marriage of convenience – a mockery of the word…

Reply From Cheong Knooi Cheng

Dear Sir, Thank you for responding to my letter Questions for YTM Raja Petra Kamarudin. I can see that there are some questions from you that need clarification and I'll be very happy if you…

It’s flood season again, so what?

Zan Azlee, TMI It's that time of the year when all the rivers and lakes start overflowing dangerously into where Malaysians live, work and go to school. This has been happening ever since I've…

The Scar — a true tale of old Malaya

Yussof Condred My late father had a 2-inch diameter scar, near the elbow of his left upper arm, that tells a quaint story. He came to the Malayan Peninsular in 1936, braving a treacherous…

Bah Datang Kerana Tangan Manusia

Kali ini, sejarah berulang lagi. Ini bukti bahawa kita tidak langsung mengambil pelajaran daripada peristiwa sejarah.  Khairul Naim Rafidi “Selama penderitaan datang dari manusia, dia bukan…

What Does Christmas Mean To Me?

We, the good people (liberals and fundamentalists) share a common agenda.  Yussof Condred  I am a Buddhist. When I studied in the Methodist Primary School, Nibong Tebal, Seberang Prai …

Hudud- Silence of The lambs

When it comes to the implementation of hudud, you tend to hear absolute silence from Muslims who oppose it. It’s as if they have no answers to the trickery of those in Kelantan who are bent, for…

Reply to Cheong Knooi Cheng

You also say that the Malays are economically weak because they place too much attention on spiritual development instead of economic development. So, are you saying that to become rich you must…

What does Christmas mean to you?

To me, this is what Christmas is all about. It is about those brave souls, Muslims from Turkey, who stood up to the Germans and insisted that any European with a Turkish passport, even Jews, was a…

Questions for YTM Raja Petra Kamarudin

2partysystem Dear Sir, I plead with you to provide answers to these questions and publish on your blog, if you are willing, if you are unwilling please at least provide answers to question…