So, what do you want to watch?

Trying to determine if a TV programme is threatening to one’s faith can be a real challenge. Marina Mahathir, The Star YOU can read very interesting things in the news these days, some of…

A plan brewing in MIC

So what is happening with MIC is a sign of unseen hands doing their best to change the status quo, with help everywhere in the establishment. Santha Manickam The Malaysian Indian Congress…

Ali and Alvin: You hit me, I hit you

Shaun First and foremost allow me to stress that the paragraphs below are not  intended to address the legality of the Government in cancelling our national famed duo Ali and Alvin’s passport nor…

Welcome to Malaysia

Welcome to Malaysia and I hope you have a good visit. For those who have decided not to visit Malaysia after all, after what I have just told you, and wish to leave on the next available flight,…

Saya Nombor 26

Satu petisyen telah dimulakan untuk rakyat Malaysia beragama Islam dan berbangsa Melayu untuk menyokong seruan ini. Loyar Burok Pada hari Ahad, 7hb Disember, 2014 yang lalu, sekumpulan 25…

GST dan kemahiran membaca anak-anak

Pengecualian GST wajarlah diberikan kepada bahan-bahan dan perkhidmatan pendidikan yang dikenakan kepada ibu bapa yang melaksanakan tanggungjawab mereka dengan penuh amanah dan menyumbang yang…

Do not spin, Mr Chief Minister

Four months later, the decree to outlaw 40 words to non-Muslims in Penang was enforced on April 29th 2010. Then, Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng who maintained an eerie silence sings a different tune…

Patriotism is alive again in Malaysia

33 prominent Malaysians step forward to show their full support of the group of 25 eminent Malaysians calling for rational dialogue on Islam. JD Lovrenciear, FMT We, the undersigned…

A Third Position on the Sedition Act

If discontent with the administration of justice cannot be articulated or organized, dissent loses its legitimacy and the polity ceases to be a democracy.   Dr. Chandra Muzaffar The two…

Malays do not have special rights

This is the crux of the whole matter. The Malays and natives do not have special rights. However, under Article 153, they do have certain privileges. Hence to remove these privileges you must…